Rescued Cows Can’t Contain Their Excitement Over Giant Bale of Hay

If you're looking for something to brighten up your day, this video that Sleepy Pig Farm shared of their "puppies" (AKA their rescued cows) enjoying a giant bale of hay is it! The animal sanctuary shared the video on Monday, January 15th, and it's so fun to watch the cows get excited over a new thing to play with!

The video starts showing a farmer moving a giant bale of hay out into the field, as the cows - Redding and Sadie - run out towards the bale. I don't know how it's possible, but you can literally watch and see the cows get excited over their new toy!

I love that @Sleepy Pig Farm always calls their cows puppies...they certainly act like puppies when they play! And I guess I've never seen a cow get excited before - it was too cute to watch and I'm glad the farm shared it with all of us. I also appreciated that the farm shared that their cows need enrichment and new things to play with just like dogs do. Commenters also loved the video as much as I did. @froglip shared, "You would think there was some kind of "cownip" in the hay. My cats act something like that when I put catnip out. Adorable!!" @Shanoochie added, "The lil ones will eat that bale in the morning then bed down in it by noon. It’s always so cute when they go wiggle butt on ya! Moo!"

Related: 5 Ways Rescue Cows Show They're Truly Happy Are Just So Touching

Fun Cow Facts

Since I started writing about animals, I've realized just how much I really don't know about certain cows. I've learned how much cows are like dogs, especially when they play! And I've learned how social they are, and how gentle and sweet they can be. Other than that, I don't know much about them, so I thought it would be fun to share some cow facts.

Clover Meadows Beef knows a thing or two about cows and shared some really interesting facts about them. The first fun fact has to do with their name. Although we call all cows "cows", really only females are cows and males are bulls. And cows aren't even really cows until they have their first baby (called a calf); before their first birth they are heifers.

Cows eat grains and grass, and chew about 50 times a minute. I thought it was interesting that Clover Meadows pointed out that they never eat meat at all, so if you see "vegetarian fed" on a package, it's just a marketing ploy. They're all vegetarians!

Cows can see at almost 360 degrees, and that ability comes in very handy when it comes to looking for predators. However, they can't see well directly in front of them, which is why they'll turn their heads to look at you. And they're sense of smell is crazy good - they can detect odors up to 6 miles away!

Did I mention they sleep standing up (this also has to do with being aware of predators). Cows are pretty cool animals! I love fun animal facts and learning more about animals that I write about...not to mention being able to share the new information with others!

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