Rescue puppy captured pinching probiotics on Ring indoor camera

 Dog captured by Ring Doorbell
Dog captured by Ring Doorbell

We love nothing more than when a hidden camera exposes mischievous behaviors. Some pet owners purposely invest in pet cameras so they can keep an eye on their furry friends even when they’re not at home, but it turns out a typical Ring camera can capture some funny content.

In the past doorbell cameras and pet cameras have captured cats karate chopping, Racoons trying to catch snow and one dog even trying to eat the camera when he took a dislike to it. This latest instalment of pets behaving badly is brought to us by Moose, an 18-month-old Weimaraner rescue puppy who has an aptitude for sniffing out food - but lucky a Ring Doorbell was on hand to catch him in the act.

• Check out the best Ring cameras to see the range for filming discretely and protecting your house 

Andy and Lucy Bryce caught Moose jumping up to the kitchen counter where he found and proceeded to devour a pot of probiotics. The event took place at night so was captured using the Ring camera's night mode. The infrared light is reflected in Moose's eyes, but you can still clearly see what’s going on.

It takes Moose just 14 seconds to locate the pot and knock it off the surface. Luckily he didn’t eat the pot – just the contents within it which meant he "was nice and firm with a very healthy gut the following week," according to owner Lucy.

This isn’t the first time their Ring camera has caught him getting up to no good. Since being rescued by the Bryces, Lucy has been continually surprised at the dexterity of paws and told The News and Star “he can do all sorts of things with his paws that I’ve never known any other dog to do”.

Moose has been abandoned on the streets in Hungary and adopted by Lucy and Andy through Vizslamentés – a UK-based Rescue Trust. He joins the Bryce family alongside Lola, a five-year-old fellow Weimarnar and Lola, an eight-year-old silver Labrador.

Even though no pets were harmed in the making of this video, it's a good reminder that we should never undermine their intelligence and perhaps it's best to keep anything they could possibly devour well out of reach!

Why not also check out our review of the Ring Video Doorbell 3 which we gave 4/5 stars, or our guide to the best indoor security cameras which includes the Ring, as well as some you can re-position remotely.