Rescue Pigeon Getting a Shower Is Too Glamorous for Words

Many pets enjoy being cuddled after they have a bath. They are cold, wet, and usually annoyed with having to get clean. Well, one pet that absolutely loves shower time and the cuddles that come after is probably not what you'd expect - because it's one woman in NYC's pet pigeon and this bird will totally make you rethink these animals.

Just watch how sweet she acts in her shower and after. We have never seen a pigeon this cuddly.

The hilarious video was shared by the TikTok account for @abby_nyc_ and TikTok users are absolutely here for this entire glamorous situation involving this rescue pigeon.

@Comatheo sweetly comments, "Now I’m crying that every pigeon can’t live and be loved this way." @Nuggies adds, "What a precious little baby! And clearly you're an amazing mom just look at the face she makes when you pet her." She does look so content! @Laddie replies, "You’ve convinced me. And now im waiting for the pigeon distribution system to work its magic!" Asking the question on all of our minds is @Zoe who asks, "How does one get a pigeon? Do you just... grab it and take it home? Like a stray kitten?"

Related: Pigeon Builds a Nest in NYC Apartment Window and Everyone Is Invested

The video creator replies, "Yep pretty much. Adults mate for life so look for a juvenile that isn’t bonded."

Let's look into this, shall we? Because I can't be the only person wanting pigeon cuddles.

Do Pigeons Make Good Pets?

According to Pigeon Rescue, they make absolutely wonderful pets. They explain that if you find a pigeon who is all alone, he probably needs help. Their first piece of advice is to determine what type of pigeon it is because pigeons like rock pigeons should not be domesticated.

If you find a pigeon that needs help, you should first get it assessed by a veterinarian. If you decide to keep this pigeon, you need to have adequate space for it to fly, be prepared to find it a specialized veterinarian who knows how to care for pigeons, and decide if you're cool with it using the bathroom everywhere.

Some pigeons can be trained to go potty in a specific area, but not all. Pigeons also can live to be 15-years-old so taking one in as a pet is a serious commitment. They do need quality bird seed and to be fed fruit on occasion.

That being said, people who keep these birds as pets absolutely adore them. Pigeons are highly intelligent, very social and clean and easy to feed. They can bond and become very affectionate with their owners with proper care and love. They enjoy gentle petting and being talked to, just like the sweet bird in the video above!

There are many great resources online for pigeon owners that can help you if you do decide to adopt one. Now I just have to wait for the pigeon distribution system to find me!

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