Rescue Doodle's Dramatic Reaction to Taking a Bath Is Oscar-Worthy

Now this is just pitiful!

Rescue dogs are simply the best! When you first adopt a dog you have no real idea of its full personality or what its quirks are or what will make it happy or umm.. cause it to cry like an absolute baby. TikTok account holder @Ellirescues recently adopted a beautiful Golden Doodle and found out how this big baby feels about taking a bath in the most pitiful way.

Watch the following video until the very end to see what we mean!

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Megs845 hilariously comments, "He will now sing you the song of his people." @Janethaven adds, "Oh the drama!! He certainly knows how to steal a heart." He really does! He's just a big sad cuddle baby! @Life_sign claims, "That is not a dog… That is a baby Wookie." Awww, LOL!

"The towel sliding off really makes it," comments @RJ. The creator replies , "That was his mic drop." Yup, drama over, nothing to see here folks! Now it's just time to cuddle dry him, bless his poor little heart!

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