Repurpose Leftover Meatloaf By Adding It To Grilled Cheese

Turkey meatloaf grilled cheese
Turkey meatloaf grilled cheese - Lauripatterson/Getty Images

Meatloaf is a great comfort meal and a relatively easy dish to whip up. It also tends to come with a decent number of servings. But the one problem with the dish is that if you've made one for just a few people, you may find that it starts to linger in your fridge.

If you're tired of repeating that meatloaf and potatoes, why not try a new way to use up your pesky leftovers and pop them into a grilled cheese sandwich? Just as you might imagine, all this involves is adding as thick a slice as you like of your best meatloaf recipe to your standard grilled cheese. The addition adds a salty, hearty flavor and is a quick and easy meal, even if you're short on time.

Now, while that's the gist of making a meatloaf grilled cheese, there are a couple of considerations to keep in mind as you put your sandwich together. Plus, it pays to know what else you can chuck into it to enhance the flavor even further.

Read more: 15 Tips For Making The Best Meatloaf

Considerations For Making Meatloaf Grilled Cheese

Butter and bread for grilled cheese
Butter and bread for grilled cheese - Lauripatterson/Getty Images

When it comes to making meatloaf grilled cheese sandwiches, one of the first things to note is that you'll want to reheat your meatloaf a little bit first. When you add the meatloaf to your sandwich, sometimes, it may not warm through before your cheese is melted and your bread is golden brown. Heating it again prevents you from biting into a hot sandwich that's cold in the middle.

Besides warming your meatloaf, another thing to think about is what type of bread you'll use. You can use any bread you like here but different types will give your sandwich varying tasting notes. Sourdough or pumpernickel, for instance, will add a bit of tang to your meal. You should also think about using sturdier bread rather than a porous one that will absorb the juices from your meatloaf and potentially become soggy.

Another consideration to think about here is what kind of cheese you'll be using. Cheddar can be a classic pick for your grilled cheese and give your sandwich an almost hamburger-like taste. Or, you could play off mozzarella meatloaf recipes and add some of this variety of cheese instead. For those who like some heat in their meals, Pepperjack could be a good pick. With all these considerations in mind, you'll be well on your way to making a tasty meatloaf grilled cheese.

What Else To Add To Your Meatloaf Grilled Cheese

Meatloaf sandwich
Meatloaf sandwich - Slatterymedia/Getty Images

You can always add a hunk of meatloaf to your grilled cheese and call it a day. However, you can also add other ingredients that pair well with both flavors. One simple yet tasty addition to your meatloaf sandwich is mushrooms. Earthy mushrooms can add an umami kick to your sandwich while complementing the heartiness of the meatloaf in it.

Another option is to incorporate tomato. Tomato pairs well with grilled cheese, as we know from the classic tomato soup and grilled cheese combo. Plus, tomato ketchup is a key ingredient in meatloaf. Add a slather of ketchup to your sandwich or a few slices of tomatoes in between the bread. Or, dip your sandwich in marinara sauce (or add a bit to your sandwich) as a way to get some of this flavor in your dish.

For those who love a bit of spice, another add-in to try could be a bit of hot sauce or sriracha. You could also get the spice from a sprinkling of crushed red pepper flakes in your sandwich or from smearing on some chipotle mayo. So, if you decide to make this grilled cheese, don't think you can't get creative. There are plenty of fun ways to add even more flavor to it and give your leftover meatloaf new life.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.