Reported Shark Attack Near Northern California Surf Spots Prompts Manhunt

On Sunday morning, a swimmer was reportedly attacked by a shark in Northern California.

Following the alleged attack, which happened north of San Francisco at the remote Wildcat Beach in Marin County, authorities were on the scene with a missing person search.

The swimmer’s friends, who were with the victim in the water when the alleged attack occurred, told authorities that they saw a shark and blood near where the mission person was last seen.

“Marin County firefighters received the call just before 10:30 Sunday morning,” reports CBS News Bay Area.

“Three men went for a swim at Wildcat Beach, when they say a shark attacked one of them. Two people swam back to shore. They told first responders there was a large pool of blood in the water.

“Before the attack, they say they were swimming about 25 to 50 yards from the beach.”

From there, local authorities activated in search mode.

Per the Point Reyes National Park Services:

“The search continues for a missing person last seen in the water at Wildcat Beach this morning. On scene are personnel from NPS, Marin County/ Stinson Beach Fire, engines and UTVs, Reach 3 medical helicopter and a US Coast Guard helicopter and Cutter.”

Despite their best efforts, the victim has yet to be found.

Although this area, specifically, is not known as a Northern California surf spot, it is close to some of the region’s best waves – like Point Reyes, Bolinas, Ocean Beach further south, and Mavericks and Santa Cruz even further down the coast.

All of which are notoriously sharky.

In the newsreel above, one local eerily says:

“These waters are extremely dangerous. Most locals know not to go for a swim. There’s either a huge drop-off, sharks, rip currents…very dangerous.”

The search for the missing swimmer was suspended Monday morning.


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