How to Remove Permanent Marker From Any and Every Surface

<p>The Spruce / Ana Cadena  </p>

The Spruce / Ana Cadena

Permanent markers are great until the ink lands on furniture, clothes, or a wall. But if you act quickly, the ink may not be permanent. Learn how to remove permanent marker stains from walls and objects in your home.

How to Remove Permanent Marker From Walls

For painted walls, you can use a few methods for removing permanent marker.

  • WD-40: Hold an absorbent cloth on the wall under the marker stain to catch any drips and spray the stain directly with WD-40. Wipe away the stain with a clean, dry rag. Mix a solution of dishwashing liquid and warm water, dip a microfiber cloth in the soapy water, and clean the wall to remove any remaining WD-40.

  • Mr. Clean Magic Eraser: First, dampen the eraser to activate it. Gently scrub the marker stain using circular motions. Wipe away the grit with a clean microfiber cloth. If you scrub too hard with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, you will remove the paint along with the permanent marker stain, so use a gentle touch.

  • Rubbing Alcohol: Dampen a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and blot the stain with the ball. Always work from the outside edges toward the center to keep the ink from spreading. When all of the ink is gone, clean the wall with a sponge dipped in warm, soapy water. Rinse with a sponge dipped in clean water.

If you're dealing with a stain on wallpaper, try using baking soda. Make a paste of three parts of baking soda and one part water. Spread the paste on the permanent marker stain and rub gently to remove the stain. Rinse the wallpaper with a clean rag and plain water to remove the baking soda residue.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide also works well on brick and stone walls. Make a paste of half baking soda and half water. Spread the paste on the stain with a soft-bristled brush and gently scrub the stone. Let the paste sit for five to 10 minutes and rinse the brick with a damp cloth.

How to Remove Permanent Marker From Wood

To remove permanent marker from wood surfaces, try using some of these household items.

  • Baking Soda or Toothpaste: Make a paste of baking soda and a few drops of water or use white, non-gel toothpaste. Apply the paste or toothpaste to the marker stain with a sponge and rub gently following the grain of the wood. Wipe away the residue with a damp cloth and repeat if needed.

  • Rubbing Alcohol: Dip a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and squeeze out the excess. Dab the ink stain and immediately blot with a clean, dry cloth. Continue working until no more ink transfers to the cloth. Use caution, as excessive use of rubbing alcohol can damage the varnish on wood.

  • Dry Erase Markers: Use dry-erase markers to cover the permanent maker stain until it is no longer visible. Then, use a dry-erase eraser or microfiber cloth to wipe all of the ink away.


Be sure to test these removal methods in an inconspicuous spot before you begin. If your wood is finished, unfinished, or stained, you may experience different results. Do not use fingernail polish on painted furniture because acetone dissolves most paints.

How to Remove Permanent Marker From Plastic

For plastic surfaces, try using these methods.

  • Rubbing Alcohol: Dampen a cotton ball or microfiber towel with rubbing alcohol. Rub the ink mark and blot away the ink with a clean towel. Wash the plastic in hot, soapy water or wipe with a damp sponge to remove the alcohol.

  • Dry Erase Markers: Color over the stain with a dry-erase marker. Let the ink sit for a minute, then gently wipe it off with a microfiber towel. Remove any remaining traces with some rubbing alcohol.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Dampen a cotton ball or microfiber towel with hydrogen peroxide. Rub the ink mark and blot away the ink with a clean towel. Boost the cleaning power by sprinkling the stain with some baking soda to add a gentle abrasive. Wash the plastic in hot, soapy water or wipe with a damp sponge to remove the alcohol.

How to Remove Permanent Marker From a Whiteboard

If you accidentally write on a whiteboard using a permanent marker, try these tips.

  • Rubbing Alcohol or Nail Polish Remover: Dampen a cotton ball or microfiber towel with rubbing alcohol or fingernail polish remover and wipe away the permanent marker. If the stained area is large, put the alcohol or fingernail polish remover in a spray bottle. Start at the top of the area, spray, and wipe to catch drips.

  • Dry Eraser Marker: Mark over the permanent ink stain completely with a dry-erase marker. Let the ink sit for a minute, then gently wipe it off with a microfiber towel. Remove any remaining traces with some rubbing alcohol.

How to Remove Permanent Marker From Carpet

  • Rubbing Alcohol: Dampen a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and dab it on the stain. Blot immediately with a clean, dry cloth. Continue treating the stain until no more ink transfers.

  • Commercial Carpet Stain Remover: Following the label guidelines, treat the stain with a dry-cleaning solvent recommended for carpet. When the stain is gone, use a cloth dipped in warm, soapy water to clean the carpet. Rinse by wiping with a clean, damp microfiber cloth.

How to Remove Permanent Marker From Upholstery

Follow the same guidelines for removing permanent ink from carpet. Be sure to test the rubbing alcohol and dry cleaning solvent on a hidden spot to make sure that the colors in the upholstery don't bleed. Avoid over-saturating the fabric with any type of solvent.

How to Remove Permanent Marker From Clothes

To remove permanent marker stains on clothing, try using rubbing alcohol and oxygen-based bleach.

  • Place a thick layer of paper towels or an old cloth under the ink so it won't transfer to the rest of the garment.

  • Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and apply it to the ink.

  • Work from the outside of the stain toward the center to help prevent it from spreading. Blot with a microfiber towel as the ink is transferred.

  • If some traces of color remain, mix oxygen bleach powder and lukewarm water in a sink or large tub following the instructions on the product label to add the correct amount of bleach per gallon of water.

Submerge the garment and allow it to soak for at least four hours, overnight is better. Check the stained area. If any of the marker color remains, mix a fresh solution and repeat the soaking process.


Never place fabric that has a permanent ink stain in an automatic dryer until the stain has been removed. High heat will permanently set the ink.

Dry Clean-Only Clothes

The safest method is to identify the stain to a professional cleaner as quickly as possible. However, if you want to attempt to remove the ink at home, follow the same steps for using rubbing alcohol as those for washable clothes. If the clothes can be hand-washed, you can do the oxygen-bleach soak on all fabric except silk, wool, and anything leather-trimmed.

Read Next: How to Get Permanent Marker Stains Off Wood

Read the original article on The Spruce.