Remembering Jay Leno (Through Food)

Remembering Jay Leno (Through Food)

Last night, Jay Leno bid farewell to the “Tonight Show,” which he’s been hosting since 1992. Skits and cameos were made by a star-studded cast—Oprah Winfrey, Carol Burnett, Kim Kardashian, Billy Crystal, and President Obama, reports the New York Times—bringing Leno very near tears. Before we all make way for his successor, Jimmy Fallon, let’s take a moment to look back at some of Leno’s greatest food moments on the show:

That time Ann Romney cooked meatloaf:

That time Jay’s “Headlines” segment was all about restaurant menu items (insert inappropriate jokes here).

That time Britney Spears exclaimed her love for food.

That time Kristin Chenoweth ate haggis:

That time Gordon Ramsay and Russell Brand made crepes.

That time actor Jason Sudeikis and corn dog aficionado Jim Stacy had a Jameson-off.

That time an audience member ate eight hot dogs in 30 seconds:

That time Jay reviewed food containers, including a Nutri-Grain Bar carrying case.

That time Michelle Obama talked Jay into eating his vegetables.