Religion, obesity and bad cheese – what the world can't work out about America

That better not be American cheese - natashaphoto - Fotolia
That better not be American cheese - natashaphoto - Fotolia

The US will be celebrating its independence day today. But what does the rest of the (English-speaking) world really think of America? We’ve turned to Google for answers. Here are some of the most common queries about the country.

Why is America so religious?

In a 2009 Gallup Poll, when asked "Is religion important in your daily life?", 69 per cent of Americans answered “yes”. Given that the US is a strictly secular state, that figure might seem oddly high. And compared to much of Europe, it is.

Flanders gif

The figure for Sweden was 17 per cent, the UK 27 per cent, France 30 per cent, and Germany 40 per cent. But there are many countries in which religion is even more pivotal that don’t suffer the same evangelical stereotype as America, including Jamaica (70 per cent), Portugal (72 per cent) and South Africa (85 per cent).

Why is America so fat? 

Like many developed countries, including Britain, the US has a high obesity rate (the 18th highest in the world) because many of its citizens eat too much and don’t do enough exercise. As the birthplace of fast food, it’s not that surprising. 

America also consumes more meat per capita than any other nation (ahead of Kuwait and Australia). 

Why is American cheese so bad?

The country’s ample collective girth comes despite American food being pretty unappetising - according to searches on Google, anyway. As well as cheese, many ask also why American bacon and chocolate is so rubbish, and why its bread is so sweet.

There is, too, a perception that America beer is a lousy imitation of the real thing. To the naysayers, we should point out that US creations regularly feature in the annual World Cheese Awards, cities like Pittsburgh and Portland are positively bursting at the seams with fantastic microbreweries, and Hershey’s are pretty decent (you can keep your Ferrero Rocher). The bacon? We’re with you on that.

Us road trips

Who is America named after?

Florntine explorer Amerigo Vespucci who was the first to demonstrate that Brazil and the West Indies did not represent Asia's eastern outskirts as initially conjectured from Columbus' voyages, but instead constituted an entirely separate landmass.

The German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller later mapped and named the new continent 'Americas' after Americus, the Latin version of Vespucci's first name. (A theory that it takes its name from an Anglo-Welsh merchant, Richard Amerike, has been widely debunked).

Check his earlobes
Check his earlobes

Why are American cars so big?

America is mad about big gas guzzling monster trucks with names like “Canyonero”. According to analysts IHS Automotive, larger vehicles account for more than 60 per cent of US sales, compared to 25 per cent in the rest of the world. Why? Because US petrol is cheap and its roads are wide.

Why are American eggs white?

Because different breeds of chicken lay different coloured eggs. “Chickens with red earlobes lay brown eggs and chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs,” Sara Ward, founder of the website Hen Corner, told Country Living in 2016. “Chicken breeds which have white earlobes with a pearly, iridescent shine - like my Cream Legbar - lay blue eggs.” 

At a glance | What your country is best at

You can even use two different breeds to create a mixed-tone egg. “I bred my Cream Legbar, who lays blue eggs, with my Orpington, who lays pale beige/pink eggs, and the results were beautiful, green eggs,” explained Ward. “My chickens never fail to surprise me!” 

Alaska: big and beautiful - Credit: Randy Raszler
Alaska: big and beautiful Credit: Randy Raszler

In short, America favours hens that lay white eggs. Like leghorns.

What is America famous for?

Spam emails, according to data journalist and information designer David McCandless, who recently mapped the world according what each country is #1 for

Tombstone, Arizona - Credit: Cmon
Tombstone, Arizona Credit: Cmon

We’d plump for national parks, skyscrapers, Disney, Hollywood, jazz, blues, casinos, cowboys, surfing, space and the Superbowl. They're all mentioned in our guide to the 50 best US experiences

Denver: pot smokers welcome - Credit: knowlesgallery - Fotolia/Charles Knowles
Denver: pot smokers welcome Credit: knowlesgallery - Fotolia/Charles Knowles

What is America’s largest state?

By land area? Alaska. By population? California.

Where in America is Potomac?

We think the popularity of this search may have something to do with The Real Housewives of Potomac, a bewilderingly dire reality TV show. It’s in Maryland, not far from Washington DC.

USA most epic

Where in America is the Wild West?

The phrase Wild West refers to lands west of the Mississippi River that remained relatively unexplored and lawless right up until the start of the 20th century - but are described with a certain romanticism in literature. Swinging saloon doors, feisty wenches and hard-as-nails gunfighters called “The Kid”. To catch a glimpse of the era, head to Golden, Colorado, Tombstone, Arizona, or El Paso, Texas

Where in America should I live?

Trump’s election victory prompted many to consider fleeing the US - but what about those wishing to move in the other direction? Telegraph Travel readers reckon New York is the 6th best city in the world (after Cape Town, Vancouver, Venice, Sydney and Tokyo), but our annual survey of 70,000 also saw San Francisco (9th), Washington DC (24th), Las Vegas (45th) and Boston (23rd) fare well. Music fans should try Austin, coffee lovers Seattle, weed lovers Denver, and creative types Asheville, North Carolina

Why does American money smell?

Everyone on the desk, including our resident American, can’t fathom this one.

Why do Americans like British accents?

We’ll defer to Sally Peck, the aforementioned American. “The British accent, to the uninitiated American, sounds clever and exotic,” she says. “There are funny old-fashioned phrases, long vowels, and the mysterious absence of the letter R. To the joy of any Brit who emigrates to the States, most Americans cannot pick up on regional differences (they can't tell the difference between the Australians and the British, either) so, whether you're from Billericay or Battersea, Americans think you all sound the same. It's the quickest - perhaps the only - way to escape the British class system.”