How to Relieve Breast Soreness During Pregnancy

Sore breasts are a common symptom in pregnancy

Medically reviewed by Sanaz Ghazal, MD

Early in your pregnancy, you might start to notice changes in the way your breasts feel. They may feel tender, heavy, tingly, or even sore. This is completely normal, and it's all thanks to a rush of hormones beginning to prepare your body to produce milk. While the entire breast may be sore, the nipples may hurt the most—or at least be the most sensitive.

During this time, you may also experience more breast soreness than what you may usually experience just before your period. These symptoms may go away as your body acclimates to your pregnancy. As your due date approaches, however, you can expect your breasts to go up in size and fullness, which may lead to other issues, like back pain.

Read on to learn what you need to know about sore breasts during pregnancy, as well what you can do to cope with this discomfort.

Related: Could You Be Pregnant? Early Signs

<p>Mykola Sosiukin / iStock / Getty Images</p>

Mykola Sosiukin / iStock / Getty Images

What Causes Sore Breasts in Pregnancy?

From the beginning, you can thank your hormones for breast soreness during pregnancy. After conception, your body launches into hyperdrive to prepare for breastfeeding with surges of pregnancy hormones including estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin.

As a result, blood flow to your chest goes up. Your milk ducts begin to grow, and your breasts take on extra fluids, tissue, and fat. This could mean going up a cup size—or a few. Your nipples also become larger and change in color to become easier for a baby to see and latch on to (if you choose to breastfeed).

Considering just how many rapid changes your body is undergoing, it’s no wonder many pregnant people experience growing pains. The presence of these hormones can also just make your breasts and nipples feel more sensitive.

What Breast Pain Feels Like During Pregnancy

Breast soreness may feel different from person to person during pregnancy. However, the pain may be described as:

  • Dull and achy

  • Sharp

  • Heavy

  • Tightness

  • Breast strain

Is Breast Pain an Early Sign of Pregnancy?

Sore breasts may be an early sign of pregnancy. You may also notice other symptoms like breast swelling, tenderness, or tingling—changes that are similar to what you may experience just before your period.

However, in the early weeks of pregnancy, some people have also noticed increased nipple sensitivity and/or darkened and enlarged nipples.

When Does Breast Soreness Start in Pregnancy?

You may notice soreness in your breasts and nipples as soon as one to two weeks after conception. Here’s what to expect from trimester to trimester.

First Trimester: Weeks 1 to 12

In the first handful of weeks post-conception, you may experience more tender, tingly breasts and nipples. You might notice your breasts are becoming fuller and your nipples are sticking out more, too.

Because your entire body is in the midst of a major transformation, you can also expect to be hit with some serious fatigue. The good news: Breast tenderness and exhaustion often fade as your pregnancy progresses.

Second Trimester: Weeks 13 to 28

During the second trimester, your breasts continue to become bigger and heavier—so much so that you may need to purchase larger, more supportive bras. You could also notice more visible veins under your skin, darker nipples and areolas (the area around your nipples), and stretch marks developing on your breasts, abdomen, and thighs.

As early as 16 to 19 weeks in, your breasts could begin to leak colostrum, a watery, yellowish “pre-milk” of sorts. Something to look forward to: You should start to feel your baby moving.

Third Trimester: Weeks 29 to 40

As you get closer to the big day, you can expect more of the same—tender breasts, sore nipples, and an ever-growing body and baby or babies. If your breasts haven’t yet, they could begin to leak colostrum. However, sometimes they don’t—and that’s OK, too. Either way, it has nothing to do with your ability to breastfeed.

When Should I Call a Healthcare Provider?

Some breast and nipple discomfort is normal with pregnancy. However, seek medical care as soon as you can for these symptoms:

  • Life-disrupting breast pain

  • Bloody or clear discharge coming from your nipple

  • A lump in your breast

  • Signs of infection such as redness, pus, or a fever

How Long Do Breasts Stay Sore After Giving Birth?

During the first few days after giving birth, your breasts may feel especially tender or sore. This is when your body begins producing milk for your baby.

Once you begin breastfeeding, this discomfort should improve over the course of a few days or weeks as your breasts get used to filling and emptying. Though it's normal to experience some discomfort while breastfeeding, it should not be painful once your baby is well-latched. If you experience pain while breastfeeding, consult with your healthcare provider.

If you don't plan to breastfeed, your body will stop making milk so long as you do not pump or remove milk from your breasts. However, your breasts may continue to feel sore and swollen as they become overfilled with milk. This typically gets better after several days.

How to Relieve Breast Soreness

Sore breasts and nipples are a really common experience when you’re expecting, so there’s no shortage of home remedies to consider.

Here are a few to try out:

  • Buy a new bra. For extra support, swap lacy underwire bras for full-coverage soft cotton bras with wide shoulder straps, a thick band below the breasts, and easy-to-adjust back closures. Your bra size could go up a few times, so don’t hesitate to ask a bra fitting specialist for help to make sure you’ve got the right size and style for your needs.

  • Sleep in your bra. If movement is especially irritating for your tender breasts and nipples, consider wearing a sports bra or sleep bra when you go to bed for 24/7 relief.

  • Leave ’em alone. Chances are, you’re already doing your best to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your breasts. But make sure your partner or partners are in the loop, too. Let them know when you’re hurting and what they can do to help relieve discomfort or at the very least avoid further irritating your breasts or nipples in the bedroom.

  • Consider cold therapy. Applying a frozen gel or ice pack to your breasts can help relieve swelling and pain by temporarily reducing blood flow and dialing down nerve activity in the area. Just make sure to keep a thin towel between your breasts and anything that is frozen to protect yourself from skin damage.

  • Take a soothing shower or bath. Sometimes warmth can help relieve tension and relax sore chest muscles. If possible, adjust the showerhead to a “gentle” setting or use a washcloth to block water splashes from hitting sore nipples. Only wash your nipples gently with warm water. Avoid harsh soaps that could dry your skin and further irritate the area.

  • Add breast pads. If the lining of your bra is bugging you or your nipples have begun to leak, try protecting them with breast pads. Made from disposable paper or washable cotton, they could create a helpful buffer between your breasts and bra.

  • Ask about over-the-counter (OTC) options. If these solutions aren’t cutting it, ask your healthcare professional about taking an OTC pain reliever such as Tylenol (acetaminophen).


Like fatigue, stretch marks, and hemorrhoids, sore breasts are a common part of pregnancy. Tender breasts and hypersensitive nipples are uncomfortable and to some extent unavoidable. But the discomfort can be manageable with some tips from people who have been there before.

If you're concerned about any changes or pain in your breasts or nipples, don't hesitate to contact your healthcare professional. While some discomfort is to be expected, there’s no need to suffer in silence, either.

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon do your breasts change during pregnancy?

Your breasts may begin to feel tender and swollen as early as one to two weeks after conception as hormonal changes begin to take place.

Can I take a pain reliever for breast pain during pregnancy?

First, try non-medication options such as warm showers or cold gel packs to relieve breast pain. Changing your bra or wearing a bra at night may help. If those measures don’t help, talk to your healthcare provider about acetaminophen, which is the safest pain reliever for pregnant women.

Is it normal for your nipples to change during pregnancy?

Yes. The skin around the nipples, known as the areolas, usually becomes darker during pregnancy. You may also feel soreness and tingling around the nipples as the breasts become enlarged and milk ducts develop.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.