Regina George's Burn Book Is Now Your New Brush Case

Regina George's infamous Burn Book is now your new brush case. Spectrum Collections, a vegan beauty brand, has teamed up with Paramount Pictures to create a Mean Girls-themed line you NEED to see.

Fetch never did really happen, but we’re not all that bummed because Mean Girls makeup actually did. Tiny Fey’s hit 2004 movie didn’t just invade your daily vernacular–the viral sensation has inspired an eyeshadow palette and now a Burn Book brush case is happening.

Spectrum Collections, a cruelty-free and vegan makeup brand known for downright gorgeous beauty tools, has collaborated with Paramount Pictures to create a brush set and a case that is nearly identical to the Burn Book that Regina George and the Plastics so proudly invented. The brand made the announcement on Instagram with a video that shadows the three-way call your girl Cady Heron found herself stuck in.

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So if you’re stressed about beauty storage, you can go ahead and really put it in the book.

The collection includes a few different size and set options—you can opt for the full size of the hot pink Burn Book, go for a mini version that doubles as a handbag and comes with a 10-piece brush collection, or just invest in the brushes and the brush pots. You can click through the offerings in the Instagram post below.

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The Burn Book itself will retail for £49.99 and holds up to 40 secrets, er, we mean brushes, and it hits spectrum on August 30th along with the rest of the products. Pretty grool, right?