Reese Witherspoon Had the Funniest Response to Rumors She and Jennifer Garner Are Pregnant

Sarah Michelle Gellar is ready to babysit.

When you've been mega-famous as long as Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Garner have, I'm guessing you probably learn to ignore most of the ridiculous tabloid headlines you glimpse about yourself. But, seeing as how celebrities are also human beings with feelings, the especially outrageous ones can still make them do a double-take—or just give them a good laugh.

Case in point: A recent cover of OK! features a photo of the two women with the headline "Baby Bombshell! Shock and Joy for Hollywood BFFs." Of course, Witherspoon had the most perfect response to the coverline. She posted the cover on social media with the caption, "Hey @jennifer.garner! Can we raise our imaginary babies together?"

The post obviously struck a chord with other celebs, who quickly chimed in. Gwyneth Paltrow simply commented, "😂😂😂" while Sara Foster said, "That's so amazing! Congrats to both of you! How exciting!" Sarah Michelle Gellar wrote, "Only if I can imaginary babysit!" to which Witherspoon responded, "Will you be the imaginary godmother?" Ali Wentworth even offered to throw the shower.

There were also some amazing responses on Twitter where one person wrote, "I often wondered what actors thought while going thru the checkout 🌟 haha." Another was surprised the story wasn't about another Jen, "Well, it’s not Jen Anniston [sic] this time, so that’s genuinely surprising. I mean, she’s been pregnant for like 10 years at least 😂 #DontBelieveTabloids."

Another user replied, "Oh come on now Rheese [sic], if magazine says it’s true, than it MUST be so! What do you know anyways? Of course they know your body better than you do!! 🙄🤣"

There's obviously lots of sarcasm here, but the headline—and some of the Twitter reactions—also raises a good point about tabloids and their continued scrutiny of female celebrities' bodies. As Jennifer Aniston's publicist told the New York Times in January, "Every week I get these emails, 'We’re working on a story that Jennifer is pregnant. I will say, 'This is a complete fabrication. There’s no truth to this or this is all ridiculous and completely false.' And they still go with the story."

We're guessing that if tabloids decided to finally switch off the pregnancy rumor story cycle, it wouldn't exactly be met with disappointment in Hollywood.