Reduce Risk of Developing Gallstones By Doing These 5 Things Every Day

We all want to indulge in the occasional treat without worry. But many of us are prone to gallstones, a condition in which clumps of cholesterol in the gallbladder harden into stones, slowing down the organ and resulting in nausea, bloat, dark urine, and gastrointestinal pain. Read on to see how you can stop gallstone trouble before it starts.

Snack on citrus.

The juicy clementines and oranges that are in peak season now are packed with vitamin C. That’s good news since German scientists found folks who upped their intake of the vitamin slashed their odds of developing gallstones. The nutrient helps convert cholesterol into bile so it doesn’t build up in the gallbladder. Other tasty foods that deliver a C boost: kiwis, strawberries, broccoli, and tomatoes.

Nosh on nuts.

Enjoying a handful of peanuts, cashews or other nuts daily reduces gallstone risk, a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found. Healthy fats and fiber keep stone-forming cholesterol in check.

Bust a move.

Researchers reporting in BMC Gastroenterology found that engaging in physical activity like dancing to your favorite songs or walking around the block daily cuts gallstone risk. Experts say regular exercise lowers levels of mucin, a protein that encourages stone formation.

Toast to your health.

Sipping 6 ounces of wine daily lowers gallstone risk by 32 percent, British scientists say. Modest amounts of alcohol in wine help the gallbladder empty efficiently so its contents don’t stagnate and form stones. Not a fan of wine? A Harvard study found drinking 2 to 3 cups of coffee daily provides a similar benefit.

Grab a book.

Or flip through our magazine! Enjoying some “me time” and maintaining stress levels lowers the odds of experiencing a gallstone episode, research out of India suggests. Taking time to relax lowers levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that causes stone-forming cholesterol to climb.

This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.

A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, Woman's World.