This Red Lipstick Lasted Through 3 Meals and Still Looked Awesome

This Red Lipstick Lasted Through 3 Meals and Still Looked Awesome

When it comes buying red lipstick, I have a 3-part checklist. Does the color make me feel confident? Am I able to justify the price-tag, however much that may be? Does it last through snacks? The latter is particularly important because this girl has a tub of delicious Sakara Life popcorn sitting by her desk and eating it is the best part of her day. Luckily, my newest lipstick discovery, Clé de Peau Beauté Lipstick Cashmere in Legend, meets every requirement.

For starters, it's a bright, classic true red that flatters my fair skin tone — and that's rather surprising because my skin veers pink, and it can be tough to pull-off reds without looking too flushed. It also has a soft matte finish, which I'd describe as the perfect in-between of matte and satin. It's creamy and feels light and comfortable your lips, but it's not overly drying or shiny. I like to wear it with groomed, filled-in eyebrows, mascara, and a little cream bronzer.

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Now, you're probably wondering about the price-tag. Here's the thing: At $65 a pop, it is definitely expensive. However, like I said above, I've found several very reasonable justifications for purchasing it. It's the type of red that goes with everything, and this particular shade will always be in style. There's also nothing wrong with treating yourself every now and then, but this particular lipstick even goes to a good cause. To honor Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 100 percent of the proceeds of this lipstick, when purchased at until March 1st, will go to the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project. Clé de Peau Beauté's ambassador, Felicity Jones, is portraying Ginsburg in the film, On the Basis of Sex.

Finally, it passed the third requirement on my checklist with flying colors.

VIDEO: Beauty School: The 3D Lip

This lipstick lasted through a cup of coffee, a yogurt, a latte, a salad, a cookie, and my dinner (another slightly olive oily salad) and still looked decent. There was a tiny bit of feathering near the corners of my lips, but that's it! That means, friends, you can wear at the office, during an interview, or on a date, all without the anxiety that it's smeared all over your teeth. Now, I don't know if I'd suggest it for a make-out session, but a quick peck? Sure!

And that, in my book, is worth the cash.