Red Lake's CeAngela Pemberton finds motivation in the midst of difficulty

May 24—As graduation season arrives each year, the Pioneer features one graduate from each college and high school in the coverage area. Senior CeAngela Pemberton is this year's featured graduate from

Red Lake

High School, which hosted its commencement ceremony on Thursday.

The Pioneer provided Pemberton with a series of questions to answer:

Now that you've graduated, what are your plans?

My plans after high school include furthering my education at United Tribes Technical College in Bismarck, N.D., and continuing to work with youth.

What piqued your interest in UTTC?

My older cousins have attended UTTC and told me how much they loved it there, and I always knew I wanted to move away for college. I thought United Tribes would be the perfect place to start.

Have you had a favorite class throughout high school?

I have a few favorite classes. I really enjoyed taking biology during my sophomore year. I also loved economics, it's not really a fan favorite at my school, but it was really interesting to me.

What activities have you participated in?

I have participated in volleyball, basketball and softball all four years of high school. Aside from those, I have participated in the National Honor Society, Student Council and a peer mentor group.

What's been the greatest struggle or hardship you have overcome in your life?

By far the greatest struggle I had to overcome in my life is the loss of my dad. My dad passed away in April last year, and it hit me really hard as I never lost someone so close to me before. I started struggling in school when he passed and I couldn't find the motivation to keep going, but I realized he is my motivation. They never really prepare you to lose your dad at such a young age, and they shouldn't have to.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

I consider being valedictorian of my graduating class my greatest achievement thus far in my life.

Who is your greatest mentor?

My greatest mentor is my older brother, Nate. He hasn't had the easiest life, but he continues to persevere through all the challenges. He never gives up on himself, and I like that quality about him. He's not a quitter.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I like to hang out with my family and play softball together. Me and my family are super close, especially me and my cousins. They're my best friends.