Reckless Skier Infuriates Ski Patrol By Flipping Off Moving Chairlift

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyways just in case- do not try this at your local ski resort. More on that later.

The video below shows @till_i_break_it rolling/flipping off a moving chairlift at the French ski resort of Les Deux Alpes. Check it out:

Nicely done, but again, you definitely shouldn't try this at your local ski resort.

It's a pretty easy way to get your pass pulled, break your neck, and maybe even get permanently banned. The only positive is that you could get some clout on the internet. That's not really worth it in my book.

Just continue riding chairlifts like a normal person and let the daredevils/idiots film themselves doing crap like this for you to watch later.


One last thing in case anybody missed it the last five times- DO NOT, FOR THE LOVE OF CANDIDE THOVEX, TRY THIS AT HOME. DON'T DO IT. PLEASE. DON'T. OKAY?!

There. My legal bases should (hopefully) be covered.

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