Reasons Why You Might Have Rough and Bumpy Skin In the Winter

Reasons Why You Might Have Rough and Bumpy Skin In the Winter If your goose bumps never go away, you might have keratosis pilaris, a condition in which small, hard bumps form. Those bumps are actually hair follicles clogged with dead skin cells. A chemical exfoliator with urea, lactic acid, or glycolic acid, will break down the buildup and soften skin. Red, itchy patches are likely caused by dry skin and eczema—which often appear on the inner parts of your elbows and knees. To ease irritation and head off future bouts, switch to lukewarm showers. Hot water may feel good, but it really dries you out. Raised, thick, scaly skin—the common symptoms of rough skin condition Psoriasis. UVB light can slow down the growth of the cells and aid the body in producing vitamin D, which is an anti-inflammatory.