Here Are All The Reasons We Love Adele (And Her New Album)

On today's episode of BuzzFeed Daily, we broke down the top pop culture headlines AND discussed Adele and why we love her. You can listen below or scroll down to read more about the interview!

So let's dive right into it! Recently we talked to Natasha Jokic about Adele. Here's some of what we learned:

BuzzFeed Daily: The moment has finally arrived: Adele released her fourth studio album, 30, this past Friday. And before we get into the album, I want to know why you love Adele so much, because I know you've been a fan since you were a teenager.

Photo of Adele in a black gown singing into microphone

BuzzFeed Daily: So, if you were telling someone who hasn't listened to the Adele album what the perfect aesthetic would be to listen to, are you by yourself? Are you with friends? Are you in an apartment or are you out somewhere? How are you envisioning the ideal listening of 30?

BuzzFeed Daily: We just saw that she somehow got Spotify to get rid of the album shuffle button so that people have to listen to the album the way it was meant to be listened to. And I think that is the most powerful thing ever.

Adele in a black dress smiling on the SNL stage

BuzzFeed Daily: Now that we're talking about it, I want to get into the specifics of the actual album. What did you think of 30 and is it the masterpiece that everyone is saying it is?

BuzzFeed Daily: Okay, my last question is: Do you think that either of those two songs, or any other songs on the album, are going to reach the success of "Rolling in the Deep" or "Someone Like You"? Or do you think that this is more just an amazing album altogether?

Photo of someone holding up a vinyl edition of Adele's album 30

We also discussed how Paris Hilton said she and her parents don’t talk about her time at Provo Canyon School, the boarding school she attended as a teen — and where she allegedly suffered verbal, mental, and physical abuse.

Photo of Paris and Kathy Hilton in formalwear with their arms around each other looking at the camera

Plus, Eddie Redmayne recently opened up about playing a transgender woman in 2015’s The Danish Girl, a biopic about Lili Elbe, one of the first known people to undergo gender affirmation surgery.

Still from The Danish Girl of Eddie Redmayne as Lili Elbe, looking into a mirror

As always, thanks for listening! And if you ever want to suggest stories or just want to say hi, you can reach us at