The Real Story Behind the Mysterious Sand Art in Britain

The Real Story Behind the Mysterious Sand Art in Britain

If you happen to be traveling to the Welsh Pembrokeshire Coast in Britain you’ll be delighted by the fresh country air, the rugged cliffs, and glittering ocean shoreline below. But, there’s one more thing you may also spot along the way: Delicate and mysterious designs woven in the sand.

Along the coast, incredibly intricate sand art creations have been springing up left and right for years. Because of the artwork’s perfectly symmetrical designs, many believed they were indeed made by the hands of extra terrestrials. But, sorry all you E.T. fans, it turns out these are actually the work of a mere earthling named Marc Treanor.

According to Treanor, who spoke to CNN travel, his ideas aren’t completely different than those world-famous crop circles. In fact, it’s what inspired him to create his beachside formations. Though instead of having a UFO to help him he simply uses a rake on wet sand.

Treanor always ensures his creations are also close enough to the high tide line that they disappear once the waves roll in. That fleeting appreciation, Treanor explained, is all a major part of the experience.

"It's completely part of it, it's totally integral to the work and the fact it is impermanent and it is temporary," Treanor shared.

According to the artist, his creations are made in three easy steps. First, he sketches out his ideas on paper. Next, he finds the ideal spot on the coast and starts raking, which is the most intimidating part. "Many times I'm just looking at the beach thinking 'I don't know where I am, I don't know I'm doing,'" he said.

Finally, Treanor takes his last step: Hiking up to look at his creation.

"This is the sort of contemplative side, so ideally there's a nice viewpoint and whoever's been involved, we can all go up to the clifftop and gaze down upon the beach and watch the creation being reabsorbed by the sea," he said.

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As for why he creates most of his work along the Welsh coast Treanor said it’s an easy choice. Because it’s the best.

"The beaches are exquisite,” he said, “when the weather's right, or even when the weather's not, it has a different energy when there's a storm raging and the waves are pounding, it's so exciting."