The Real Story Behind Adele’s New Mystery Man

Photo credit: Dave J Hogan - Getty Images
Photo credit: Dave J Hogan - Getty Images


Adele’s brief hand holding on Friday has had many wondering if she’s got a new man in her life. As it turns out the man is neither new nor her boyfriend. The singer was seen at the British Summer Time Hyde Park Festival on Friday wearing a Vetements hoodie and holding hands with Paul Drayton, the husband of her longtime friend Alan Carr, whose wedding she officiated last year.

The January 2018 wedding took place at Adele’s home in Los Angeles, and Carr later gushed over the ceremony during an interview on The Jonathan Ross Show.

“We did it in her back garden. How nice was that? She paid for it all. She is the loveliest person ever,” he said. “The most magical day ever. As a treat she took us to see Celine Dion in Caesars Palace. She’s absolutely lovely.”

While Drayton may not be Adele’s new boyfriend, she is reportedly enjoying the newly single life after announcing her divorce from Simon Konecki back in April.

“She’s been excited speaking to men again. She is very much in the courting phase,” a source told The Sun. “She’s attracted to other men and accepts it is over with Simon for good this time-there is no going back. She has asked friends to look out for potential dates. She doesn’t want to rush or get into something too serious too soon. But in reality this was a marriage where the romantic love ended many years ago.”

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