Get Ready, People: Sushi Donuts Are Here

In the wonderfully weird world offood mashups, there are winners and there are losers. TheCronut, for instance, is an all-star.Ramen pot pieon the other hand, the world could have done without.

But today, friends, we found a winner. Behold, the sushi donut (ordoughnut, depending who you are).

Don't worry, we're not talking about a deep fried, chocolate-covered California roll. A sushi donut is simply the components of sushi formed into the shape of a donut.

Food blogger Sam Murphy, akaSo Beautifully Raw, created the vegan sushi donuts above by shaping cooledsushi ricewith a donut mold and decorating the rings with black sesame seeds, ginger, wasabi, cashew mayo and avocado. Though Murphy's donuts are vegan, we're already dreaming up creations that incorporate fish, shrimp, roe and tempura.

Murphy told The Huffington Post that her idea stemmed from someNational Donut Dayexperimentation and an obsession with sushi (we can totally relate).

Now sushi donuts are popping up all over Instagram -- even Whole Foods is getting in on the action -- and we're drooling all over our desks. Can you blame us?

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.