Razor Is Releasing A Scooter Covered In AriZona Iced Tea Designs, And It’s Perfect For ‘90s Kids

Photo credit: Razor Scooter
Photo credit: Razor Scooter

From Delish

Was there anything cooler as a kid than zipping around on your Razor Scooter with your friend on a hot summer day? The answer, obviously, is no—there was not. Things might be pretty (read: very) different now than when you were a kid, but one thing has not changed: Riding a Razor Scooter is still extremely cool. Proving that to be true once again, the brand announced today that it would be teaming up with some of your favorite brands to release a ton of cool new designs.

Razor is teaming up with some of your favorite brands—including AriZona Iced Tea, Sharpie, Sriracha, and Takis Snacks—to create a line of vibrant new scooters that will make your inner child green with envy. If you're a big snacker (and let's face it, you're here, so you are!) you'll know that one of the things brands like AriZona and Sriracha are known for is their iconic packaging. So these scooters, as they say, are a vibe.

Each one takes on the total look of the snack brand's packaging. AriZona's version, which we got an early look at, is rocking those super cute cherry blossoms, plus teal and pink accents. Check out the little neon handles! I could cry tears of '90s joy!

If you're feeling a little bit nostalgic yourself, the great news is you can pick up one of these scooters today...yes, like, today today. You can buy scooters in every available design in the collection at select Target locations, Target.com, and Razor.com while supplies last. Just imagine, you rolling up to your local corner score on your AriZona scooter while picking up...a can of AriZona tea. It was meant to be, baby!

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