Raw Highlights From Finale Ligure EDR Practice Day

In Finale Ligure, Italy, the riders have finished the practice day ahead of tomorrow’s first round of the Enduro World Cup.

Watch the raw highlights of the practice day below.

Raw practice videos like this are very interesting because they show the different approaches riders take to each section. When a filmer is posted up on a technical section of course, it gets spicy.

Enduro practice is unique. Unlike downhill, where riders get many laps to dial in their exact lines for race day, enduro racers have limited time to preride multiple stages. Generally, the goal is to learn the course as best they can and study their lines later watching their POV footage.

Even though there is no live broadcast for the EDR, watching the racers snake through the course is still must-see TV. In a casual practice lap, these riders display more speed and control than any of us schlubs at home can even imagine.

Related: Weekend Guide: Enduro World Cup Returns to Finale Ligure, Italy

Stay tuned on BIKE’s homepage for results from this weekend's racing as they become available.

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