Rare Pink Grasshopper Spotted In the UK Confirms Its a Barbie-Filled Summer

The girls are really girling this summer all thanks to the Barbie movie. Everywhere you turn, there's pink, pink, and pink sparkels. The movie's marketing team has been making sure every inch of the world is covered in pink fabulousness and we're here for it!

Heck, even the animals are jumping in on the pink trend. LOL! Ok, so not actually, but a rare grasshopper spotted recently in the UK proves that it's a Barbie-filled summer. TikTok user @mykelmontana's reaction to this news is exactly what we thought too!

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LMAO! With everyone so caught up in Barbie world, this TikToker totally believed for a second that the rare insect was part of the movie's marketing strategy. We'd be lying if we said our mind didn't go straight to thinking about Barbie when we saw the color of this grasshopper. And honestly, we wouldn't put it past the Barbie team. They've been turning everything pink this summer!

"So your saying mother nature is girlypop," wrote @sh0ebe4nz. Oh, that's exactly what we're saying! If mother nature is putting out hot pink insects, then you know she's all for the girlies.

This rare grasshopper was spotted by a gardner living in Wales. He told BBC News that the pink immediately grabbed his attention and he was instantly captivated. Well, who wouldn't be?! Experts believe there is only about a 1% chance of seeing a grasshopper of this color in a person's lifetime. This particular grasshopper he saw, known as the green meadow grasshopper, is typically green, brown or a combination of the two colors. The pink color is caused by a genetic mutation. We're still going to tell ourselves these pink grasshoppers are just showing their support for Barbie. LOL!

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