Ranvir Singh: I’m a stone and a half overweight – I wish I hadn’t given up dancing after Strictly

Ranvir Singh
Ranvir Singh

How do famous names spend their precious downtime? In our weekly My Saturday column, celebrities reveal their weekend virtues and vices. This week: Ranvir Singh


My body clock is attuned to the pattern I’ve lived for the last 11 years. I try to talk myself back to sleep but it doesn’t always work. I get up, make a decaf tea and start chopping an onion for a dahl for lunch. My partner Louis [Church, 28, a producer on Strictly, who Ranvir met during her stint on the show] is terrible. He always hits snooze every ten minutes – it drives me mad!


I went on a mindfulness course last year. I still talk to the same therapist once a week for 15 minutes. I’m currently focusing on compassion. Before anyone is up, I sit up straight on my Zafu cushion on the floor and have a quiet moment.


My son Tushaan, 11, is up. Saturdays are our precious time together. He missed me in the mornings while I was a single mum working hard as a TV political editor around the world. I was working 18-hour days, I was literally caning it while I had a little child at home. I felt the need to achieve and prove myself – I still do, that’s where hosting ITV’s Riddiculous came in [the second series is on weekdays at 3pm]. Being a quiz host is a new milestone for me. I love it.


I used to feel working mum guilt so I’d pack activities into our Saturday but I’ve come to realise my son’s happiest at home in his warm onesie on the sofa with me, watching Modern Family for the millionth time. I’ve got a lot of making up to do.


Tushaan makes pancakes from scratch but I don’t eat them. I’m a stone and a half overweight – it’s my hangover from constantly eating when tired. It’s not just new year when I decide to overhaul my diet and fitness regime – it’s every Sunday night! I head to the local gym Her Fitness for an hour’s spin class. I wish I hadn’t given up dancing after Strictly [in 2020], but it just didn’t fit into my day-to-day world.


Quick shower and then out for a family dog walk with our cockerpoo, Shmizzels, in the Chiltern Hills. At this time of year I live in my knee-high furry UGG boots – they’re my best investment! I’m make-up free at the weekend and don’t care what I look like. I’ve never been a clotheshorse. I sometimes get trolled on social media for my TV wardrobe but I have quite a robust view of all that sort of stuff so it doesn’t bother me.


Cooking is bonding time for me and Tushaan. He can make pasta from scratch or we make dahl, or a roast chicken lunch – although I’m vegetarian so I replace meat for smoked tofu. I don’t have a sweet tooth – but I’m terrible when it comes to crisps, I’m addicted.


My mum, who is in her 80s, lives nearby, so I check up on her. She makes a lovely Indian tea with cardamom, fennel, and cloves and I run errands for her while she overfeeds my son because that’s her language of love.


Nap. I stopped drinking caffeine so I could feel tiredness rather than pushing through the days at breakneck speed the whole time. I’ve been under-sleeping for years, so now I allow myself to take a break.


I’d love to say I spend a wintery evening in, playing family board games, but in reality, Louis and Tushaan play video games and I’m excluded! Sometimes we go to the cinema and Nando’s but we also love watching At Home With The Furys on Netflix.


We rarely go out for dinner dates now because neither of us drink. Instead we go on experiences or theatre nights. I spent most of my life in the northwest of England, so to live near London is still quite a thrill to me. We recently went to see Cabaret which was great, and we watched a classical orchestra play Queen’s Greatest Hits in candlelight at Glaziers Hall which was fantastic. I can’t believe places like the National Portrait Gallery are free. I’m such a tourist! I also love exposing my son to art and culture, it’s important to me.


Because I’m not drinking, I get tired a bit earlier. I’ve spent years with my nose to the ground, looking for the next thing to do or achieve. It feels good to have slowed down.

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