Rabbit Attempting to Get Taste of Nutter Butter Is Totally Like a Dog

Dogs are always the first pet that comes to mind when thinking of animals that beg for food. Cats will sometimes sniff out what you're eating, but it’s a guarantee that dogs are right next to you every meal, ready for any and all crumbs.

Believe it or not, there are other pets that will beg for food as well. This August 16 clip from TikTok user @bruceytherabbit shows us that her rabbit is just like a dog, begging for a nibble. The only difference is this is way cuter!

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O.M.G. Stop it! How could anyone say no to that face?! Well, actually we know you have to say no in this instance because it looks like the food has chocolate and that’s a big no-no for animals. But, anything else we would’ve given this sweet bunny a nibble of food. LOL! Maybe that’s why we're the pushover in our household.

Trust us, we know how tempting it might be to give your pet a tiny piece of your sweet treats. One look at their face and we cave. It's really important to feed them in moderation. Instead of endless pup cups and treats, mix up their normal meals with healthier options. Veggies and fruits in small amounts are great foods for your rabbit. You just want to make sure you introduce it slowly and one at a time to rabbits older than six months old. Any sudden change in their diet might result in sickness.

Try adding in carrots, watercress, sprouts, parsley, wheatgrass, and beet tops (not the root) to your rabbit's diet. Again, be sure you introduce each vegetable slowly and one at a time to avoid them getting sick. And if you're ever unsure if you should add something into their diet, check with your vet.

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