Quiz Your Kids with These Fun Trivia Questions

shot of a little boy using a digital tablet while sitting at home with his parents
50 Kids Trivia Questions to Quiz Your Little OnesPeopleImages

Isn’t it fascinating how kids’ minds work? They’re always dreaming (or scheming) up their next big plan, being led by their imagination every step of the way. As much as we love how imaginative little ones can be, there’s no denying that so many thoughts and plans often translate to seemingly endless chatter. While there’s nothing wrong with this, in certain situations—like long car rides—it can be a bit overwhelming to deal with. One way to help your kiddo settle for a touch of silence is with kids' trivia questions. When you ask them thought-provoking questions, it will force them to dig deep into their minds in search of the answer—and if they don’t know it, it will give you the opportunity to teach them something new, so it’s a win-win.

Unlike knock-knock jokes and riddles for kids, kids' trivia questions are meant to test knowledge—not elicit laughs. Though let’s be honest, some kids laugh at everything, so kids' trivia questions may very well fill your family’s life with not only more fun facts but booming laughs, too.

To see how your kids respond to trivia, keep reading to find dozens of kids' trivia questions spanning topics of science, math, art, and more.

Q: What species of bird can fly backward?

A: The hummingbird.

Q: What is the largest species of shark?

A: The whale shark.

Q: What is the only land mammal that cannot jump?

A: The elephant.

Q: How do bats navigate?

A: They use echolocation.

Q: George Washington Carver produced around 300 inventions using what ingredient?

A: Peanuts.

Q: What name does Mulan use while she is disguised?

A: Ping.

Q: What is Dumbo’s real name?

A: Jumbo Jr.

father talking with tween son in residential kitchen
MoMo Productions

Q: What is Paddington Bear's favorite food?

A: Marmalade.

Q: What are the names of Santa's reindeer?

A: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph.

Q: What is it called when caterpillars turn into butterflies?

A: Metamorphosis.

Q: Which is faster, light or sound?

A: Light.

Q: What is the powerhouse of the cell?

A: The mitochondria.

Q: What sport is "love" a score in?

A: Tennis.

Q: What is the smallest country in the world?

A: Vatican City.

Q: Which bird has the largest wingspan?

A: Albatross.

Q: How many noses does a slug have?

A: Four.

Q: Are worker bees male or female?

A: Female.

Q: What is the largest planet in our solar system?

A: Jupiter.

man showing smart phone to daughter while discussing at home

Q: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

A: SpongeBob SquarePants.

Q: How many nights is Hanukkah celebrated?

A: Eight.

Q: What letter is not included in any of the 50 U.S. state names?

A: The letter Q.

Q: What is a haboob?

A: A type of sandstorm.

Q: Which big cat is the largest?

A: Tiger.

Q: How many Earths can fit inside the sun?

A: 1.3 Million.

Q: Which dinosaur had 15 horns?

A: Kosmoceratops.

Q: How many teeth does an adult human have?

A: Thirty-two.

Q: Which is the largest internal organ in the human body?

A: The liver.

Q: What species live on both water and land?

A: Amphibians.

Q: In the initials of the federal agency known as NASA, what does the first "A" stand for?

A: Aeronautics.

Q: Which one of these is a mammal: a seahorse, a sea lion, or a sea urchin?

A: Sea lion.

Q: You would find the Mariana Trench in which ocean?

A: Pacific Ocean.

Q: If you were born at the start of the Impressionist Movement, what decade would you have been born in?

A: 1860s.

Q: What is an angle called if it’s greater than 90 degrees?

A: Obtuse.

Q: What was the name of Blackbeard's pirate ship?

A: Queen Anne's Revenge.

Q: Who invented the light bulb, phonograph, and motion picture camera?

A: Thomas Edison.

Q: What is zero divided by any other number?

A: Zero.

a multiracial 9 year old girl in math class, standing at the whiteboard with her teacher, a young african american man in his 20s the teacher is looking at his elementary student, waiting while she tries to figure out the answer the focus is on the girl

Q: Who came up with the term "survival of the fittest"?

A: Charles Darwin.

Q: What philosopher is known for writing The Republic?

A: Plato.

Q: Which scientist is known for coming up with the theory of relativity?

A: Albert Einstein.

Q: What is the name of the Greek goddess of love?

A: Aphrodite.

Q: What are animals that eat both meat and plants called?

A: Omnivores.

Q: What temperature does water boil?

A: 212ºF.

Q: What is a female donkey called?

A: Jenny.

Q: Which was the first country to use paper money?

A: China.

Q: How many colors are in the rainbow?

A: Seven.

Q: Patrick Mahomes is an athlete known for which sport?

A: Football.

Q: What is a prime number?

A: A whole number greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and the number itself.

Q: What is the closest planet to the sun?

A: Mercury.

Q: The imaginary line that connects the North and South Pole is called what?

A: The Prime Meridian.

Q: Why do sea otters hold hands?

A: So they do not drift apart while sleeping.

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