The Quick Trick For Getting Jell-O Out Of A Mold

Jell-O dessert on plate
Jell-O dessert on plate - SAQUIZETA/Shutterstock

From salads to easy kid-friendly treats to alcoholic shots, Jell-O is certainly versatile. It also seems to be making a comeback, if their rebrand and new logo and the rise of artisanal Jell-O shots at bars across the country are any indication. Jell-O is easy to make, and can take all sorts of shapes, limited only by the extent of your mold collection. Unfortunately, it's not always as easy to remove the Jell-O from those molds. You could use a knife to pry out your stubborn Jell-O creation, but that would ruin the point of even using a mold.

Luckily, there's a quick trick for getting Jell-O out of a mold, and all you need is warm water. If a quick jiggle of the mold isn't enough, lower the mold into warm water — a shallow bowl or baking tray larger than your mold is ideal. Be careful not to submerge the mold entirely. Let it soak in the warm water for 5 to 15 seconds (depending on its size). Place a plate on top of the mold and flip over, while holding the two firmly together. Give the mold a slight shake to loosen the Jell-O, then pull the mold cleanly away from the plate. If that doesn't work, keep repeating the process until it does.

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Why The Warm Water Trick Works And Other Tips

Jello desserts on plates
Jello desserts on plates - New Africa/Shutterstock

The reason the warm water trick works to help unmold stubborn Jell-O molds is that the heat from the water essentially melts a thin layer of the Jell-O, which helps to loosen it from the mold. Don't use hot water, as you might melt too much of the Jell-O. You may also want to adjust the submersion time depending on the size of your mold — the smaller the mold, the less time it should be submerged. It's better to repeat the process than to ruin your Jell-O creation by melting too much of it.

It's also important to make sure that the Jell-O has fully set before you attempt to unmold it. The Jello Mold Mistress also suggests moistening your fingertips and gently pulling at the edges of the mold while it's submerged to help separate it from the Jell-O. Kitchen Curio also recommends rinsing the mold with cold water before filling it with Jell-O to make it easier to unmold. Spraying the mold with Pam or some other cooking spray is another common trick, but one that may leave a residue and flavor on the Jell-O, which you may not want depending on what you are making. Certain molds, including newer plastic ones and some vintage molds, also come with removable seals to help with unmolding.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.