Quick Fixes for Roots That Need Touching Up

Quick Fixes for Roots That Need Touching Up

An estimated 70 percent of American women color their hair, so it's safe to say that weeks of quarantine have left a lot of us contending with visible roots—whether that means a clear grow-out demarcation between salon-perfect chestnut and natural dirty blonde or a halo of heretofore skillfully hidden gray. Thankfully, for those not quite ready to take things into their own hands with DIY permanent dye, there are countless sprays, powders and semi-permanent tints to hide the evidence until your next shampoo. Here, the best root touch-up products for blondes, brunettes, redheads and all the shades in between—until you can head to the salon.

The sprays, powders, and temporary color fixes to carry you through until your next salon visit.

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