Queenstown Is Home To The World's Most Iconic Set Of Dirt Jumps

Perhaps the most famous set of dirt jumps in the world are the Gorge Road jumps in Queenstown New Zealand. There you will find a snaking line of some of the biggest and most beautifully crafted jumps anywhere.

Watch Billy Meaclem take a lap down a line at the Gorge Below.

In this video, Meaclem gets stylish on the advanced line at the Gorge. He stalls in the air and sends a big off-axis flip.

The Gorge Road dirt jumps attract riders from all around the world. Many pros have filmed segments on the iconic jumps.

In 2018, the Queenstown Lakes District Council, which owned the land, decided that they were going to reclaim the land after the lease expired.

Thankfully, the community banded together and petitioned the city to allow the jumps to remain. Meaclem took a central role in this. Thanks to the efforts of the mountain bike community, the jumps were allowed to remain for their riding and our viewing pleasure.

To get a better view of the artistic beauty of these jumps, see a wide-angled still shot below.

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