The Queen Spends $40,000 on Christmas Presents Every Year for Her Family and Staff

The Queen Spends $40,000 on Christmas Presents Every Year for Her Family and Staff

From Prevention

  • The Queen shells out almost $40,000 on Christmas gifts for staff and family, according to The Sun.

  • There are 620 people on her gift list.

  • The monarch typically gives everyone “a book token, or a small piece of china from the palace gift shop, and most years she gives them a small Christmas pudding in a box as well.”

If you’re a fan of Christmas, you might enjoy an insight into the absurd grandiosity of the holiday as a British royal. According to The Sun, Queen Elizabeth II buys 620 Christmas presents for staff and family each year, spending about £30,000 (around $39,000). Which is...a lot of money!

The Queen doesn’t select personalized gifts for each individual on her list, lest you were wondering how on earth she finds the time. Instead, a royal aide told the Sun, “The presents are usually a book token, or a small piece of china from the palace gift shop, and most years she gives them a small Christmas pudding in a box as well.”

Receiving the presents sounds like a rather formal affair: According to the aide, staff are directed by the Deputy Master of the Household to gather in one of Buckingham Palace's grand state rooms. “Here they line up to receive a wrapped gift from the Queen, and she says a few words to each of them—usually something like, ‘Thank you so much for all your help during the year,’ followed by ‘Happy Christmas,’” the aide said.

“If the staff are not able to be there on the specified days—they may be a ghillie working at Balmoral for example—the Household makes sure they are sent to them, along with a card from HM,” the insider shared.


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