How the Queen Of England Deals With Jet Lag

You can try her royal remedy for just $10.

Being the Queen of England is hard work. While you may think Queen Elizabeth II, who is 91 years old, can just sit back, relax and enjoy her golden years then you’ve got another thing coming.

The Queen has a wildly packed social calendar, which includes plenty of traveling. Though to her long-haul travel is simply old hat.

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According to the Independent, the Queen’s longest trip ever was in 1953 when she traversed more than 44,000-miles across the Commonwealth. Then, she also took along 12 tons of luggage, though we are sure she didn’t carry it all herself.

And the Queen, the Independent reported, is never late to the airport thanks to the fact that her team sends a royal standards ahead of her majesty along with a Travelling Yeoman, who makes a test run to the airport to see just how long the trip will take.

Although her every need is taken care of, right down to her outfits being pre-selected and packed for her, there is one thing her staff cannot control: Jet lag.

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But as a lifelong traveler, the Queen has come up with her own jet lag remedy that we all can use. According to the Independent, the Queen relies on a bit of barley sugar in the form of candy to get her through the time differences. She also apparently takes a few unspecified homeopathic remedies.

So could barley sugar really work?

“Carrying out your daily habits like eating and sleeping in line with your new destination's time zone - both en-route and on arrival - helps re-synchronise our body clock to our new environment,” Dr. Nick Knight, specialist interest in lifestyle medicine, told The Telegraph. “What the Queen is doing by having barley sugar is essentially using her body’s sugar metabolic pathways to help adjust her body clock.”

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He compared it to adjusting your meals to times that match your destination before you leave. Which, it so happens, has some research behind it.

If you'd like to try Queen’s trick, you can pick up a tin of Simpkins Barley Sugar Travel Sweets for about $10 on Amazon.

And if that doesn't work, consider a few suggestions on how to avoid jet lag from a pilot.