Queen Elizabeth Will No Longer Wear Real Fur

Queen Elizabeth Will No Longer Wear Real Fur

Joins me in wishing you well in all of your endeavors.

Queen Elizabeth made a very important fashion decision recently.

The monarch has opted to make the switch to faux fur, according to her personal adviser and dressmaker Angela Kelly, as written in her new book The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, The Dresser and the Wardrobe, Metro UK reports.

"If Her Majesty is due to attend an engagement in particularly cold weather, from 2019 onwards fake fur will be used to make sure she stays warm," Kelly wrote in the book. It's a move that, unsurprisingly, animal charities like the Humane Society International/UK have praised her for making.

"We are thrilled that Her Majesty has officially gone fur-free,” said Executive Director Claire Bass. She went on to call the queen’s decision “the perfect reflection of the mood of the British public, the vast majority of whom detest cruel fur and want nothing to do with it." Bass went on to describe how important the change is to the rest of the country.

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"Our head of state going fur-free sends a powerful message that fur is firmly out of fashion and does not belong with Brand Britain," she said. "We are calling on the British Government to follow Her Majesty’s example and make the UK the first country in the world to ban the sale of animal fur." While the queen made this important decision as detailed in the book, it's currently unclear what prompted her to do so.

This new revelation is just one of the intriguing bits of information we've been able to glean from royal dressmaker Angela Kelly's new book. For instance, we also learned that Queen Elizabeth usually does her own makeup. There is, however, one occasion during which she does not.

Every year, the 93-year-old royal hires a professional makeup artist for the recording of her yearly Christmas speech. According to Kelly, she has Marilyn Widdess stand by the day of her filming, just in case.

She wears faux fur now and she does her own makeup – what else will the queen surprise us with in the future?