Queen Elizabeth Makes Herself Seen And Heard on Her Platinum Jubilee Milestone

Photo credit: WPA Pool - Getty Images
Photo credit: WPA Pool - Getty Images

It would be fair to say that the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year did not get off to the best of starts for the monarchy. As soon as 2022 began, the scandal surrounding Prince Andrew was the biggest royal story in town despite the efforts of the working royals to plough on with their duties. The Palace’s first major announcement of the year was that the Duke of York would no longer hold his military appointments or call himself HRH. Meanwhile, the Queen remained largely unseen since the broadcast of her Christmas day message.

It is not unusual for the monarch to stay out of the spotlight in January. But this year, the Queen’s lack of visibility felt a little more unsettling, coming as it did following a spate of cancelled public appearances towards the end of 2021, including on Remembrance Sunday. Her presence on Christmas Day may have been reassuring; but questions remained over when, and to what extent, we would next officially see her out and about.

Yet as we reach the historical milestone that sees her become the first ever British monarch to mark a Platinum Jubilee, the 95-year-old Queen has made it clear that she still goes by the famous motto, “I have to be seen to be believed.” She will spend the actual anniversary of her accession today privately (which is usual for a normal year but in contrast to her Diamond Jubilee year when she did make a public appearance on February 6). But her engagements beforehand, along with new images and footage released by the Palace, firmly shut down any idea that we have, yet, entered a new phase in which she retreats further from public view.

Significantly, the Queen's appearances this weekend have centered around her relationship with her public and how they can participate in the jubilee. She has viewed cards and artwork sent by school children, looked at entries to the Platinum Pudding competition and met with local community groups at Sandringham House. And in case anyone was still in any doubt, a message, signed "Your Servant" released on the eve of the milestone spelled out her philosophy. "It gives me pleasure to renew to you the pledge I gave in 1947 that my life will always be devoted to your service," she wrote, referring to the famous speech she made age 21 which has often been used to support the view that she will never abdicate.

Photo credit: STEVE PARSONS - Getty Images
Photo credit: STEVE PARSONS - Getty Images

Most notably, however, is the fact that the Queen has used her Platinum Jubilee message to proactively call for Camilla to be known as Queen Consort when Prince Charles becomes King. Saying that it is her "sincere wish" for "when that time comes," she did not hold back in spelling out her thoughts on the question that has caused much debate over the years. When Charles and Camilla married in 2005 it was declared by aides that she would be known as Princess Consort when he became King, something Palace aides have repeated many times since.

In royal news that matched - if not surpassed - the number of newspaper headlines about Prince Andrew's further exile from royal life in January, the Queen sealed the deal on Camilla's future title. Often, she uses her words subtly, but this point was clearly worded to leave no room for doubt. Polls show that public opinion remains mixed on the matter, but unless there is outrage that forces further national debate, Camilla will be called Queen.

While the main jubilee celebrations are planned for an extended weekend in June, today holds more significance historically as the moment the Queen has now officially reached her Platinum Jubilee. She was was in Kenya 70 years ago when she heard the news of her father’s death. Today, she is at Sandringham House where King George VI died in his sleep and, with the exception of last year because of COVID, where she usually spends her accession anniversary.

When the central Platinum Jubilee weekend comes around, the British public will be treated to extra days off work and multiple events designed to get people enjoying themselves together. But what will ultimately make the events a true success is the extent to which the people are really invested in the meaning behind the celebrations. Much has changed since 1952, and the monarchy has certainly had its ups and downs over the years. But the Queen has earned respect and praise for both upholding tradition, but also reading the public mood and understanding how the institution remains relevant by adapting to change. Polls show that her personal popularity remains remarkably consistent and that she has enjoyed support from 80% of the British public for more than a decade including during the past two turbulent years.

There are many uncertainties about how 2022 will play out for the monarchy, with Prince Andrew's legal battle continuing to threaten huge reputational damage. But when it comes to the Queen, there is every indication that her relationship with her people remains as strong as ever 70 years after she first came to the throne.

Her public still want to see her. And she still wants to be seen.

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