Queen Elizabeth Keeps Several Corgi Figurines on Her Desk, Is Even Better Than We Thought

Photo credit: Handout
Photo credit: Handout

From Town & Country

Queen Elizabeth has had over nine decades to learn about herself, her likes and dislikes, her tastes and inclinations. And in all those years, one thing has always come out on top: corgis.

Some of the Queen's earliest childhood photos picture her holding a stout, bushy-tailed canine, clearly delighted by the friendly creature. Later, she'd be seen walking four or five of the adorably proportioned doggies, or welcoming dignitaries to Buckingham Palace alongside a crew of them. And just last week, as the Queen decamped to Windsor Castle amid the coronavirus pandemic, a very good dorgi (dachshund and corgi mix) was seen accompanying her in the car.

So it's hardly surprising that, as was revealed in a rare photo of her working from home, the Queen keeps a triad of corgi figurines atop her desk. What other trinket could provide her comfort in such trying times? What porcelain statuette could make her feel safe and grounded like that of a round-eyed corgi, ears up and ready to listen, belly nearly grazing the ground?

It's clear that the Queen, more than any of us, was prepared to transition to a remote lifestyle. She already has the perfect wardrobe picked out (a collared shirt to signal business, a cardigan for coziness), while the rest of us languish in sweatpants. Her desk has been optimized for both functionality (a phone) and enjoyment (copious knick knacks, largely corgi-based); we're still waiting on that lap desk from Amazon. But then, who expected any less of Britain's longest-reigning, most corgi-loving monarch.

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