Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Did Not Attend Archie's Christening

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Photo credit: Getty

From Good Housekeeping

Last July, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip were noticeably absent from Prince Louis's christening ceremony. And now, on baby Archie's big day at Windsor Castle, the pair was reporedly M.I.A. once again.

To be clear, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are in no way trying to insult Archie's parents, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, with their absence. Rather, The Sunday Times previously reported that "The Queen will miss the christening because of prior commitments." It was the same reason Her Majesty was not at Louis's christening last year - a decision she made with Prince William and Kate Middleton together.

Two days prior to Archie's baptism, the Queen visited Gorgie City Farm in Edinburgh, Scotland. Next week, she is then expected to go to Cambridgeshire. Needless to say, the 93-year-old is a very busy monarch.

Photo credit: Getty
Photo credit: Getty

Even though the royal pair have missed Louis and Archie's christenings, they were able to make it to Prince George and Princess Charlotte's in years prior. She was also present for the christening of her seventh great-grandchild, Lena Tindall, the daughter of Zara and Mike Tindall, in March.

While Archie won't have his great-grandparents in attendance, he is sure to be surrounded with other members of the royal family today, including Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Charles, and Camilla Parker Bowles.

For the event, Meghan and Harry made it clear that they wanted things to be done as privately as possible. To do this, they limited the guest list to 25 of their closest family members and friends - which, of course, included Meghan's mom, Doria Ragland. More photos and details of the event are expected to be released on July 7.

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