Queen Elizabeth II & Lilibet Astrology: Why Their Birth Charts Reveal A Karmic Royal Connection

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There are strong spiritual ties between the Queen of England and her darling great-granddaughter, Lilibet. In case you haven’t heard, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry actually named her Lilibet after the Queen herself, as Lilibet was the nickname given to her by her husband, Prince Philip. However, the truth of Queen Elizabeth II & Lilibet’s astrology and cosmic compatibility proves their connection is *so* much deeper than the passing-down of a name!

The Queen *finally* got to meet her great-granddaughter during the Queen’s Jubilee on June 2, which means their relationship has officially been set in motion. The Queen happens to be a patient and pragmatic Taurus while Lilibet is a clever and fast-paced Gemini, making them an even more unlikely pair. And if you were wondering how Her Royal Highness received Lilibet, you don’t need a direct answer, because you can use astrology to find out. Luckily, if the stars have anything to say about it, they got on extraordinarily well!

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Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926, at 2:40 a.m. in Mayfair, London (United Kingdom). Her great-granddaughter, Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, was born on June 4, 2021 at 11:40 a.m. ET in Santa Barbara, California. With a Gemini sun, Aries moon and a Leo ascendant, Lilibet is likely a spunky heir to the throne; a child with high energy and a sharp wit. On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth II has a Taurus sun, Leo moon and Capricorn ascendent, which means Lilibet probably has a much feistier personality than her stable and earthy great-grandmother. Lilibet will likely take a lot of action throughout her life, utilizing her sparkling demeanor and revolutionizing the monarchy as she gets older. Although the Queen tends to like prefer tradition—after all, she does have a Capricorn rising—she does understand the need for change due to her Leo moon that yearns to shake things up. 

Image: KGC-178/STAR MAX/IPx.
Image: KGC-178/STAR MAX/IPx.

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Interestingly, the Queen is *far* more connected to baby Lilibet than the world realizes. The Leo ascendent in Lilibet’s birth chart aligns with Queen Elizabeth’s Leo moon, which means they have a nearly magnetic pull towards each other. What the Queen feels internally, her great-granddaughter will be able to express on her behalf. The emotions the Queen may keep bottled up are expressed through Lilibet’s existence. However, both of their birth charts reveal a deep understanding of the regal demeanor they must uphold in their life. The Queen understands the necessity for the monarchy and Lilibet will follow in her footsteps, sharing a deep respect and pride for their heritage. Together, they might even find a way to make it stronger!

Lilibet’s Venus—planet of beauty and social graces—as well as her Mars—planet of courage and action— aligns with the Queen’s North Node of Destiny. This is a major signifier of their ancestral alliance to each other. Make no mistake—the Queen of England is karmically connected to her great-granddaughter and they were definitely meant to meet in this lifetime.

There is no doubt that Lilibet will study her great-grandmother in the future and marvel at all that she has accomplished throughout her incredible life. With Venus and Mars conjunct one another’s North Node of Destiny in their synastry chart, they are drawn toward each other and their lives will hold a deep influence over each other’s. There is a sense of unconditional love the two will share, even if they don’t get to spend a lot of time together in person. Even as a baby, Queen Elizabeth will praise Lilibet’s beauty and strength; she may even feel as though these are attributes passed on to Lilibet by her.

James Whatling/MEGA.
James Whatling/MEGA.

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To make matters more intense, they both share a Saturnian aspect that will always bind them together. In astrology, Saturn is the planet of karma and longevity. While the Queen has Saturn in Scorpio, Lilibet has Saturn in Aquarius, which form a challenging, yet motivating square to one another. There’s no doubt they will learn from each other and aim to understand the motives of their actions. This is another karmic astrological aspect that will cement their relationship and possibly make Lilibet the favored great-grandchild (take that, Meghan Markle haters!).

Although their personalities may clash at times—hence the ongoing feud between Lilibet’s parents and her aunt and uncle, Prince William and Kate Middleton—it is imperative for the family to discuss the situation and talk about the elephant in the room, as it will lead to so much growth for everyone involved. If they’re willing to set aside their pride, they can gain a deeper understanding of where the other is coming from. This will strengthen their bond throughout the years, and to be quite frank, Lilibet may be the one who finally solves this family crisis once and for all.

Beyond that, the Queen’s Venus and Uranus in Pisces link up with Lilibet’s Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Lilibet’s Uranus also connects with the Queen’s sun in Taurus. Lastly, Lilibet’s Saturn is in Aquarius, which is the same zodiac sign as the Queen’s Mars and Jupiter. I know that probably sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but it’s actually quite significant! After all, this means Lilibet is the radical heir to the throne that will help the family transform the monarchy and bring it into the future.

Image: Photo by Victoria Jones – WPA Pool/Getty Images.
Image: Photo by Victoria Jones – WPA Pool/Getty Images.

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The Queen and her great-grandchild will have an intensely tender relationship. However, their astrological synastry also shows their bond will be challenging and metamorphic. Lilibet is the visionary that the monarchy—particularly Queen Elizabeth II—has been waiting for. Also, Lilibet’s Aries moon connects with Queen Elizabeth’s Mercury in Aries, which means they’ll always have incredibly loving and validating conversations together. Did I mention that Lilibet will likely become the favorite great-grandchild?

There’s no doubt that Queen Elizabeth II will live on through memories shared between her and her loved ones. And although Lilibet is far from being next in line to the throne, it’s clear that she may find a way to carry the torch and pick up where the Queen left off.

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