Queen Elizabeth Found and Returned a Toy Monkey to a Schoolgirl After She Left It at Buckingham Palace

According to Hello! Magazine, Savannah Hart, 5, was on a school field trip to the queen's home when she misplaced her toy, a monkey named Harriet (whom she had taken pictures with throughout the palace).

To her dismay and sadness, Savannah's mom, Katie Hart, realized Harriet the Monkey was missing only when the group were long-gone from the royal residence.

"The next day we were on a tour bus and I just had the thought and said, 'Where's Harriet?'" Katie told Australian channel 7News.

Savannah was devastated, according to Hello!. Once she and her classmates returned home to Australia, they wrote a letter to Queen Elizabeth asking if she'd seen Harriet, and included pictures of the stuffed animal (and even some from Harriet's adventures at Buckingham). They addressed the letter to "Madam" and signed it from "the children of Woodside Preschool."

After receiving the kindergartners' letter, the queen's palace staff located the toy, and sent Harriet on the first flight back to Australia along with a new friend from Queen Elizabeth: a toy Corgi named Rex.

An overnight extended stay at a palace and a new royal Corgi friend? Harriet, if we didn't know any better we'd think there was some monkey business involved...

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