Queen Elizabeth’s Corgis Like Meghan Markle More Than Prince Harry

First, she had to win over Prince William and Kate Middleton. Then Queen Elizabeth. And now, Meghan Markle has officially received the royal blessing from the most important family members of all.

During Markle and Prince Harry’s engagement interview on the BBC, the prince opened up about the time he brought Markle to meet the queen and revealed the Suits actress won more than just his grandmother’s affection. In fact, she developed an immediate bond with Queen Elizabeth’s corgis, something Prince Harry has yet to accomplish. 

He began, “The corgis took to her straight away. I’ve spent the last 33 years being barked at—this one walks in, absolutely nothing.”

Markle, who is a proud owner of two dogs, Bogart and Guy, chimed in to agree with her fiancé’s claims, saying, “They were laying on my feet during tea!” To which Prince Harry added, “Just wagging tails—and I was just like, argh.”

Excellent work, Harry. She’s definitely a keeper.

RELATED: Hold Up, Prince Harry Still Hasn’t Met Meghan Markle’s Dad