Queen Elizabeth Abandons Her Brights for a Somber Occasion

The Queen of England is generally rocking Technicolor dream coats and outshining most of her royal companions while she's at it, but in her latest rare public appearance, she opted for something less colorful. It was appropriate, however, since People reports that she was attending her friend's funeral.

Queen Elizabeth arrived at St. Michael and All Angels Church in Highclere, about an hour-and-a-half outside of London, to attend the funeral of Jeanie, Countess of Carnarvon. People adds that Jeanie, who passed at age 83, and the queen had a close friendship. Jeanie's husband, Henry, was the 7th Earl of Carnarvon and the queen's horse racing manager. Instead of her usual pastel palette, the queen opted for a somber black coat and a matching handbag and hat. Both the hat and the coat featured white trim, making for a subtle detail in lieu of her usual bright colors.

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The queen's presence at the occasion was a statement in itself. Generally, England's monarch sends someone in her place, like a member of the royal family. She wasn't the only royal, however. Jeanie’s son, George Herbert, the Earl of Carnarvon, was in attendance along with Harry and Carolyn, his siblings.

Last year, Prince Charles attended former President Bush's funeral to represent the royal family. After Bush's death, the queen issued a statement, but didn't end up attending his funeral service.

In 2016, Charles attended the funeral of the Duke of Westminster, Major General Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, in the queen's place. Kate Middleton and Prince William also attended the service.