Quebec Ski Resort Opens For Lift-Served Summer Riding

Against all odds, Sommet Saint-Sauveur has reopened for a week of summer terrain park skiing and riding.

The Quebec mountain is the only ski resort open east of the Mississippi River since Killington, VT closed at the beginning of the month.

Check out how the terrain park looks in the video below:

Caption translated to english: "⛄️ Here we go for the @akamp_ 2023 edition 🤘! Yes, late June and still snow in the mountain thanks to the hard work of the AKAMP teams and the Saint-Sauveur Summit 🌨️⛱️ ⛷️ Good to all participants ⛷ Places are still available; visit #akamp to book! 🎥 @chriscloutier_"

The mountain is expecting to host camps through July 2nd.

It's not much, but that modest summer terrain park must look very enticing for eastern skiers and riders looking to scratch their winter itches.

Good on the snowmakers, groomers, and park builders for making Sommet Saint-Sauveur's summer park dreams a reality.

Keep reading for more info about Sommet Saint-Sauveur.

Sommet Saint-Sauveur Trail Map
Sommet Saint-Sauveur Trail Map

Sommet Saint-Sauveur Stats/Info:

Vertical: 700 ft.

Skiable Terrain: 142 ac.

Average Snowfall: N/A

Lifts: 8

Trails: 43

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: YES

Mega-Pass: N/A

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