Quartz vs. Quartzite: What's the Difference?

<p>Joe Hendrickson / Getty Images</p>

Joe Hendrickson / Getty Images

Quartz and quartzite are both popular countertop materials that are known for having a high level of durability and a long life. However, due to their similarities, quartz and quartzite are commonly confused.

Quartz is an engineered material that is made of about 90 to 93 percent quartz minerals and about seven to 10 percent resin binder. On the other hand, quartzite is a natural stone material made of quartz mineral-rich sandstone.

Before deciding on the right countertop material, use this guide to learn more about the difference between quartz versus quartzite.

Quartz vs. Quartzite: Major Differences

While quartz and quartzite share several similarities, there are also many differences.

Quartz tends to have more customization options for appearance, while quartzite has a more natural aesthetic. Quartz is highly resistant to water and relatively easy to clean and maintain. Quartz is also more affordable than quartzite, though it is vulnerable to high heat, like a hot pan or baking sheet.

Quartzite is a porous material that must be regularly sealed to prevent moisture from seeping into the natural stone. However, it's harder than quartz and demonstrates a high degree of scratch-resistance and heat-resistance.


  • Easier to customize the color

  • Resistant to moisture and staining

  • Easy to clean and low maintenance

  • Vulnerable to high temperatures

  • Installation costs about $40 to $100 per square foot


  • Attractive natural stone composition

  • Vulnerable to moisture and staining

  • Must be sealed regularly to prevent staining

  • Resistant to scratches and heat

  • Installation costs about $80 to $210 per square foot


Quartz and quartzite can have a similar look, but there are a few notable differences:

Quartz can be dyed using different pigments during the manufacturing process to create unique color combinations, patterns, and precise hues to get a specific appearance for the countertop. However, quartz does not have the natural veining that is common in marble and quartzite.

Quartzite doesn't offer the same variety of colors and patterns that quartz does, but it has a natural appearance that is hard to ignore. The stone retains a slight amount of the granular texture and often displays pink and red veining due to iron oxide found in the stone.

Water and Heat Resistance

Typically, countertops are installed in locations where water and heat are in frequent use, such as the kitchen or bathroom.

Quartz uses a resin binder in the manufacturing process that increases the resistance to moisture and staining. This is because the binder acts as a water repellent or sealant. However, this same resin binder is responsible for quartz' vulnerability to heat. While the quartz minerals can withstand high temperatures, the resin binder will start to melt at around 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Quartzite is a good choice for a kitchen countertop because it has a high level of heat-resistance that allows individuals to rest hot pots or pans directly on the natural stone. The drawback to having a quartzite countertop is that this material is highly porous, making it susceptible to water and staining. Make sure to seal the quartzite countertop regularly to protect it from water, oils, and other liquids.

Care and Cleaning

It's a good idea to have a firm understanding of the care and cleaning requirements for a countertop material before installation.

Quartz is relatively easy to keep clean because it has a non-porous surface that isn't susceptible to water, oils, or other liquids. The resin binder prevents moisture from seeping into the stone, allowing the user to clean the countertop with a soft sponge or cloth, and a store-bought or homemade surface cleaner.

Quartzite can be cleaned with the same simple process as long as the homeowner has already sealed the countertop. However, if the quartzite has not been sealed, then using water or a liquid cleaner can cause lasting damage and staining throughout the natural stone. Due to this additional step, quartz is typically considered easier to care for and clean.

Durability and Maintenance

It's also important to understand the limitations of your countertop materials, as well as the maintenance requirements necessary to keep the countertop in good condition for years to come.

Quartz has a high level of durability and it's relatively easy to maintain. On the Mohs Hardness Scale, quartz is about a seven, which means that it is resistant to scratches, abrasion damage, chips, nicks, and impact damage. Additionally, the resin binder protects this material, so there isn't any significant maintenance beyond regular cleaning.

Quartzite is even harder than quartz, with a rating between seven and eight on the Mohs Hardness Scale. Due to this high level of durability, quartzite is highly resistant to physical damage, like scratches, chips, and dents. Quartzite does need to be sealed to prevent water, oils, and other liquids from seeping into the natural stone. Plan to reseal the countertop about once every one to two years to protect the quartzite.


Depending on the type of material, you may choose to tackle countertop installation on your own. However, this isn't recommended when working with quartz or quartzite.

Quartz comes in a range of shapes and sizes due to the convenient manufacturing process, but this doesn't reduce the bulky weight of the engineered stone. Installers will typically have one or more helpers to manage the countertop, which can weigh as much as 20 to 25 pounds per square foot.

Quartzite countertops are often less variable in size and shape, which can make it quartzite countertops more difficult to maneuver and install. While quartzite weighs slightly less than quartz, it is still bulky and quite heavy at about 20 pounds per square foot. Due to this weight, it's recommended to have a crew of professionals handle installation.


Quartz is an engineered stone made using quartz minerals and a resin binder. Manufacturers can also add pigments to the engineered stone to give the countertop a custom color, pattern, or design. This type of countertop typically costs about $40 to $100 per square foot.

Quartzite is a natural stone material that must be cut out in solid slabs. It retains the texture, color, and veining that make natural stone so popular as a decor option. Though, quartzite material comes at a higher cost than quartz, ranging in price from about $80 to $210 per square foot.


Investing in a new countertop can be a costly project, so you should have a good idea of how long the countertop will last.

Quartz is one of the most durable countertop materials. It had a hard, moisture-resistant design that makes it ideal for busy kitchens or bathrooms. After installation, quartz countertops will typically last about 20 to 60 years, though warranties may not provide coverage for the entire lifespan of the material.

Quartzite is known to be harder and more resistant to heat than quartz, which is why it's a popular choice for kitchen countertops. Though, quartzite does need to be sealed to protect it against water, oils, juices, and other liquids. As long as the quartzite is properly maintained, it has a similar lifespan as granite, marble, and other natural stone countertops, ranging from about 50 to 100 years.

The Verdict

If you are looking for a material that is easy to clean, low-maintenance, water-resistant, and has a high level of durability, you will probably prefer quartz countertops over quartzite.

However, for those that don't mind sealing and regularly resealing the countertop, quartzite can be an excellent choice. It's resistant to high temperatures, abrasion damage, impact damage, and it has an impressively long lifespan. However, quartz is more affordable than quartzite and can be pigmented for a custom color, pattern, or design.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better, quartz or quartzite?

There are many benefits to both quartz and quartzite, but ultimately quartz is an easier material to install and maintain, making it the better option for most homes.

What are the disadvantages of quartzite?

Quartzite has a few disadvantages that may make it less appealing. The first is that it costs more than quartz to purchase and install. Also, quartzite is vulnerable to moisture and staining due to the porous nature of the stone. Staining can be prevented by sealing the quartzite countertop, but the countertop will need to be resealed about once every one to two years.

Can you put a hot pan on quartz?

It isn't a good idea to put a hot pan on quartz. Quartz is made with a resin binder that will melt at around 300 degrees Fahrenheit, so putting a hot pan on the countertop could result in permanent damage.

Read Next: Quartz vs. Laminate Countertops: Which Is Better?

Read the original article on The Spruce.