Puppy Tries to Pack Her Toy in Mom's Suitcase, Breaking Hearts Everywhere

Maddie Newton was getting all packed up for a trip and started taking a quick video of all that she had packed. And then, without warning, she turned the corner and noticed that her puppy had put her stuffed toy into one of the suitcases.

The poor little pup just wanted to go with her! The sad scene played out as the dog just wagged her tail innocently. This seems to happen a lot when dogs know that their humans are going to be leaving for a trip.

Comments on the TikTok post suggest that this puts most people into a somber mood. They felt bad for the pup! Hopefully, the pup is slated to go to a doggie daycare or have a fun pet sitter come to visit.

Related: Puppy Instantly Tries to Befriend Toddler and It's Just So Pure

It’s always sad for a pup to be left alone, but when her humans packed up so many suitcases, she was probably wondering if they were ever going to return. This kind of video makes you wish that you could bring your dog everywhere.

This kind of scenario probably played out at houses all across the country last week for the Thanksgiving holiday. Countless pups were left behind as their families went out to enjoy the holiday dinner with friends and family. Luckily, the people always return home and there’s no harm done!

When a dog is away from her family for the duration of a trip, we’re sure that she really misses her family. That is surely going to be the case for this pup. She clearly doesn’t know yet that she isn’t going along for the trip.

This little pup surely made a great effort to try and stow her things away in the suitcase. But the huge lambchop toy isn’t going to fit! Maybe next time, after this video, the family will be able to bring her along for the trip. They can’t bear knowing they’ll be missed!

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