Puppy Announcements Are the Cutest Thing to Happen to Pet Adoptions

Extravagant pregnancy announcements, gender reveal parties, and maternal glamour shots. What's next? Pets! As many pet owners know, having an animal in the house is sometimes not much different than having a child. Messy dinnertime, stubborn baths, and yes—even potty-training accidents are all part of what makes your pet special. So it should come as no surprise that expecting pet owners have started a new trend of puppy announcements. And it is adorable!

These future puppy moms and dads are replacing baby booties with collars, adding an abundance of chalkboard signs, and announcing their joy to the world in the cutest ways. This trend proves that pets are family, too, and should be treated as such. For inspiration for your upcoming adoption, or for just a little puppy love to brighten your day, check out a few of our favorite announcements below.