Pumpkin Seed Oil May Be The Secret Ingredient For Your Best Hair Days—Here's Why

Learn why hair care experts say this natural ingredient might be the key to your most luscious locks.

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Pumpkin seed oil is gaining traction as a potentially super beneficial ingredient for healthy hair and a soothed scalp. This natural ingredient is rich in nutrients and is thought to help stimulate hair growth, potentially prevent hair loss, nourish hair, and balance the scalp. With the help of hair health experts, we take a look at why pumpkin seed oil may make a great addition to your haircare regimen, detail how best to use this oil, and help you figure out whether pumpkin seed oil is right for your particular hair.

What is Pumpkin Seed Oil?

Pumpkin seed oil, as you might have guessed, is an oil extracted from pumpkin seeds (yes, the same ones many people like to snack on). When it comes to applications for hair health, there are a few reasons why pumpkin seed oil is thought to be especially beneficial. "Pumpkin seed oil contains linoleic acid; this fatty acid contributes to healthy hair while also giving it additional shine, making it look and feel healthier," explains Dr. Matee Rajput, the UK's leading hair transplant surgeon and surgical director at KSL Clinic. "Linoleic acid is found in many oils, but pumpkin seed oil contains higher amounts, which is why it's becoming so popular. It is also rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids, which are clinically proven to stimulate hair growth by causing muscle relaxation within blood vessels surrounding the hair follicles."

But that's not all: "Pumpkin seed oils are also rich in minerals and liposoluble vitamins, in particular, vitamin E (α-and γ -tocopherol) and carotenoids — e.g. zeaxanthin and lutein that together make it highly antioxidative — which make it great for our hair and scalp health," says Dr. Jonathan Palmer, the founding director and lead scientist at HairKnowHow.

Related: Hair Oil 101: Everything You Need to Know

Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil for Hair Health

Stimulates Hair Growth

One of the main reasons people turn to pumpkin seed oil in hair care is to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. The question is, how effective is it in that particular application? "Pumpkin seed oil works similarly to the FDA-approved minoxidil for hair loss," says Tiffany Young, a certified trichologist and CEO at ThinHairThick. "The magic of minoxidil for some who experience hair loss is that it is a vasodilator. This means that it increases the diameter of the blood vessel and allows more blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles. Because pumpkin seed oil works to relieve inflammation, it has the potential to increase blood flow — with extended and consistent use."

Dr. Rajput agrees that pumpkin seed oil's potential for increasing blood flow is one of the main reasons it can be so helpful in preventing hair loss. "Blood flow restriction is one of the key causes of hair loss," he says. "If the follicles aren't getting a good enough supply, it can affect them and cause them to die off, which is where linoleic acid comes in very helpful. Zinc helps keep hormone levels regulated, which is why it's also recommended to support hair loss."

Meanwhile, Dr. Palmer cites a few promising studies that have been done on pumpkin seed oil's hair growth-stimulating potential, but cautions, "More studies are needed before scientists and most trichologists can fully get behind pumpkin seed oil as a hair loss treatment."

Nourishes and Moisturizes

Since pumpkin seed oil is, well, an oil, it has the potential to help keep your hair healthy and moisturized. "Many oils can be beneficial for hair in terms of their moisturizing and nourishing attributes — they keep the scalp hydrated, which is an essential part of maintaining healthy hair and preventing hair loss," explains Dr. Rajput. "It's the fatty acid linoleic within pumpkin seed oil that enhances shine and hair texture. The oil is packed full of minerals that are super beneficial for supporting healthy hair."

With that in mind, Young says that pumpkin seed oil alone would not be enough to keep your hair super hydrated. "Pumpkin seed oil does not necessarily moisturize the hair when applied as an oil," she says. "However, it can create a barrier against environmental pollutants which strip moisture. Water-based humectants create moisture and when used in tandem with pumpkin seed oil can be a powerful combination to create soft, conditioned hair."

Balances Scalp Health

Pumpkin seed oil is also commonly used to help balance scalp health by alleviating dryness and reducing inflammation, itching, and dandruff. "There is good biochemical evidence that pumpkin seed oil has potent anti-inflammatory effects," says Dr. Palmer. "This is important because hair loss can be caused by inflammation of the scalp skin, and hair follicles."

Dr. Matee agrees that pumpkin seed oil may help with balancing the scalp via its anti-inflammatory properties. "Pumpkin seed oil is rich in antioxidants including flavonoids, which help reduce inflammation," he says. "That, alongside the naturally moisturizing benefits of using an oil, help to alleviate dryness and balance the scalp."

How to Use Pumpkin Seed Oil For Hair

If, after learning about its potential benefits, you're interested in incorporating pumpkin seed oil into your haircare regimen, the recommended method is to use the oil in pure form and massage it into your hair. "You should be oiling your hair around three times per week" using "one or two full pipettes," says Dr. Matee. "For best results, you should apply the oil at night to damp, towel-dried hair and leave it in until the next morning. Massaging the scalp [in circular motions] with a soft comb or your fingertips also helps with blood flow to the scalp, which is very important for healthy hair and hair growth."

The expert recommends allowing the oil to absorb into your hair overnight, then washing your hair as usual in the morning. He adds, "You can also add the oil into your shampoo or conditioner bottles to introduce into your normal hair care routine alongside this."

Pro Tip: Purchase Cold-Pressed, Organic Pumpkin Seed Oil

For Young, it's important to "choose 'cold-pressed organic' pumpkin seed oil." She explains, "It is manufactured in a way to retain maximum benefits and retain the fatty acid composition, along with the high levels of magnesium and iron."

Potential Side Effects

Pumpkin seed oil is generally quite safe for topical application, but you should still be careful when using any new product. "I would always recommend that readers who are using any oil or formulation for the first time perform a patch test first," says Dr. Palmer. "Reactions to pumpkin seed oil are, however, very rare, making it a milder alternative to minoxidil and finasteride, though pumpkin seed oil may be less effective."

One instance when you might encounter reactions to pumpkin seed oil is if you have an allergy. "A pumpkin seed allergy is very rare," says Dr. Rajput. "Most people won't have any issues but in the few people that are allergic, skin irritation is one of the most common side effects."

Additionally, if you have any known scalp conditions, all three experts stress the importance of consulting a health professional before incorporating pumpkin seed oil into your haircare routine.

Other Uses of Pumpkin Seed Oil

While pumpkin seed oil shows promise for promoting hair and scalp health, it also makes a highly nutritious addition to your diet. "Pumpkin seed oil is packed full of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants that help support the natural, healthy functioning of the human body," says Dr. Rajput.

"Fatty acids help promote a healthy heart, zinc contributes to metabolism, digestion, immune function, cell growth — the list goes on. It's also thought to naturally lower cholesterol too." If you like the sound of that, an easy way to incorporate it into your meals is to purchase a bottle from a health store and use it to make delicious salad dressings.

Pumpkin seed oil is a great natural ingredient that's chock-full of hair-loving components, including linoleic acid, vitamin E, and carotenoids. As such, it boasts antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you achieve your healthiest, shiniest hair yet. Don't forget to be patient when first incorporating it into your regimen; it takes consistency to see results. Be mindful of any sensitivities or allergies you have and consult a medical professional if needed, but otherwise oil away.

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