Pug's Reaction to Her Birthday Candles Getting Blown Out Is Hilarious

People go all out for birthdays and we’re not just talking about human birthdays. These days people are throwing extravagant parties for their fur babies filled with dog-friendly cakes, treats, and decorations with all their friends showing up.

Now, we’re not saying you have to go above and beyond. TikTok user @kiki_thepug hosted a small, sweet party for their pug. And let’s just say this pug’s reaction to her birthday candles getting blown out will convenience you have a party for your doggy too. Take a look!

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O.M.G. Stop it! This is seriously so hilariously precious! She was already so confused as to what was happening with the singing, but then when the candles went out, she completely lost it. To be fair, we’d be just as confused if we were in her paws. She’s probably never seen candles before! Just like a baby, dogs are blown away by the little things in life.

"The shock when they went out," wrote @schleyguy. She's probably thinking to herself that she can never blink again. LOL! @the_cuban_wanderer added, "Omg she’s so cute. I love pet parents celebrating their pets bdays! We do this every year for our dog." SAME! It's the least we can do for how much happiness they bring into our lives.

If you're new to throwing a doggy birthday party, don't worry, it's easy. First and foremost, you need a pick a date and location. It can just be at your house! But you'd be surprised how many people rent or go out to places. Then, make up your invitations and invite all your friends. Doggy friends included! Be sure to have drinks and food both for your guests and the dogs. And no party is complete without some games! Don't forget to get hundreds of pictures so we can see!

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