PSA: You Can Turn a Photo of Your Pet into a Renaissance Masterpiece

Photo credit: Crown & Paw
Photo credit: Crown & Paw

From House Beautiful

Photo credit: .
Photo credit: .

You love your pet. You probably think little Fido is the bestest doggie in the whole wide world. Maybe you even think he's downright majestic! But if you're convinced your dog or cat is actual royalty, you need to check out Crown & Paw. Provide a photo of your precious pup or fabulous feline, and the digital artists at Crown & Paw will create a Renaissance-style portrait of your beloved pet worthy of hanging in the throne room of a grand castle-or at least in your living room.

The process is simple: First, choose your portrait style. Does your furry friend have a commanding and authoritative presence? Try the Veteran (pictured above) or the Colonel for a decorated-military-hero look. More of an intellectual? The Count or the Ambassador may be just your style. And for the frilly and feminine among us, there's the Princess, the Pearled Lady, or the Matriarch. (Before you choose, treat yourself to a quick scroll through the site's 600+ five-star reviews! So many sweet doggos and kitties, each more regal than the next. I also spied at least one bunny in the mix, and even a very elegant parrot!)

Next, you'll need a photo of your little royal baby to upload. A few pointers from the site: For the best results, the image should be well lit, in sharp focus, and taken at eye level with your pet, at an angle that works with your chosen portrait style. And be sure not to cut off those adorable ears! Crown & Paw artists work with the exact photo you provide, so make sure you love it before submitting.

Finally, upload that perfect pic to the site and place your order. Within 10 days, your portrait will be printed, mounted, and shipped to your door! Prices start at just $49.95 for an 8" x 10" canvas, and larger sizes are also available. I can hardly imagine a better gift for the pet lover in your life (oh hey, Father's Day is coming up!), and I guarantee it will be a hit at every cocktail or dinner party you throw, forever. I recommend hanging it above your pet's bed, to remind little Fifi of just how very special she is every single day. As if she doesn't already know.

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