PSA: This Is Your Last Chance To Buy Marvel’s Avengers

Marvel's Avengers Iron Man in space

Crystal Dynamics’ Marvel’s Avengers is a bit of a sad story in the gaming world. It had so much potential — Marvel’s movies were at the peak of their popularity, Crystal Dynamics’ games were often pretty good, and a team-based 3D brawler with Marvel characters sounds good on paper. Unfortunately, the reality wasn’t quite as nice, and soon the game will go away forever… well, kind of.

Marvel’s Avengers launched back in September 2020, on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia (RIP), where despite a lot of hype prior to its launch, it was immediately met with middling reviews. While the gameplay was generally said to be pretty decent, the multiplayer aspects, grindy progression, and terrible end-game were slammed by critics and players alike.

Bugs and crashes at launch didn’t help with reception either, nor did the always-online requirement that plagued the game. In that regard, it was a little bit like Payday 3’s disastrous launch issues, although by all accounts Payday 3 is at least a decent game underneath all its connection issues. Avengers, not so much.

Square Enix – the game’s publisher at the time – promised things would improve, and Crystal Dynamics tried its very hardest to make that happen, with dozens of patches and updates to bring the game in line with what people had hoped for. Unfortunately, it was too little, too late, and most of the player base had abandoned the game within just a few months.

Now, support is ending for the game, and it’s being pulled from digital storefronts this weekend. To celebrate its demise, PlayStation and Steam have it available at a deep discount, so if you want to pick up and play what is actually a fairly okay game now, it’s your last chance. The game will no longer be available after September 30, 2023.

Here’s where you can buy it:

If you buy it now, all the cosmetics and additions will be included — you won’t have to pay extra for them. Crystal Dynamics says that the multiplayer should keep working for the foreseeable future, but if it eventually breaks, the company probably won’t be fixing it. Enjoy it while you can.