PSA: Celebs Swear by Drinking Chlorophyll for Clearer Skin

Ever notice how celebrities seem to have an otherworldly glow to them? Take Reese Witherspoon, for example. She’s often seen leaving the gym without a stitch of makeup—and she looks damn near luminous, every single time.

Turns out, that crystal-clear complexion comes not from frequent sweat sessions (though that certainly helps) but, we hear, from drinking a few drops of chlorophyll each morning. Yes, as in the very stuff that gives plants their green hue. Witherspoon told Harper's Bazaar UK that if she feels a breakout or pimple coming, she adds a few drops of chlorophyll to her water to keep her complexion crystal clear.

Quick science lesson: In vegetal life, chlorophyll traps sunlight and helps with photosynthesis. In human life, it helps to internally cleanse your body and deliver oxygen to the skin so it looks and feels smoother.

Chlorophyll is a plant-powered energy source that boasts a bunch of health perks. A study at Lund University in Sweden determined that people who took a green plant membrane supplement (like chlorophyll) on a daily basis lost more weight than a group that didn’t take the supplement. Beyond weight loss, a study published in the journal Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology found that applying a gel containing chlorophyllin (a derivative of chlorophyll) to the skin reduced signs of photoaging, otherwise known as aging that's caused by sun exposure.

To reap these green benefits, you could buy concentrated chlorophyll on Amazon and add this tincture to your water like Witherspoon does, or you could streamline the process and buy Chlorophyll Water, a new brand dedicated to selling—you guessed it—H2O infused with chlorophyll. The tasty beverage is also combined with organic lemon juice, natural spearmint and vitamins A, D and B12. We were able to get our hands on a case ($40 for 12 bottles), and drinking it was just lovely. It's reminiscent of spa water (read: luxurious), and feels way more interesting than sipping filtered water.

So whether you make your own or buy it pre-mixed, it's time to go green, friends.

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