PS5 Pro could arrive just in time for the ultimate GTA 6 experience

 Grand Theft Auto VI.
Grand Theft Auto VI.

There are times driving around GTA V's Los Santos that you couldn't imagine a more realistic depiction of a city. NPCs seem to all have a purpose and a life, pretty much anywhere you see you can go and heck it even plays a pretty good game of golf too. It's a game that has ported to umpteen systems over the years, so it's about time we had a GTA designed for the current generation of consoles and PCs.

In fact, it looks like Sony may do you one better, with GTA 6 rumoured to be firmly in the mind of the company in regards to the PS5 Pro. We're not talking about a slimline variant here, but a PS5 console with supercharged performance.

Reported by PushSquare, Serkan Toto of Tokyo-based consultancy firm Kantan Games said "There seems to be a broad consensus in the game industry that Sony is indeed preparing a launch of a PS5 Pro in the second half of 2024."

If true, that would put it on shelves just before the confirmed 2025 release date of Rockstar's game, and if they can create a console that offers a definitive version of the title then it will be a massive boon for Sony.

The trailer for GTA 6 shows an impressive level of detail and scale that isn't going to be easy for anything to run. If the PS5 Pro does come to fruition Sony will do well to ensure that they don't face a problem similar to the Xbox Series X/ Series S divide. With the guarantee that games will run on both systems, some argue that it holds back developers from really going all out for the Series X.

There was of course a PS4 Pro which ran the same titles as the regular console but offered 'enhanced' versions of some games with higher framerates, faster load times and 4K compatibility. Details on upgrades for the PS5 Pro seem less dramatic so it might not be worth buying a whole new machine just for GTA 6 unless you don't already have a PS5.